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Data version control

Git for data science projects. It streamlines your git code, your data (S3 and GCP) and dependencies to a single reproducible environment.



Please download dvc from for your platform or install through source code from Github

Initialize dvc environment

DVC is an extension of the git command. It works on top of git command in existing git repositories. Let's create a new git repository for the tutorial perpose.

$ cd ~/src
$ mkdir tag_classifier
$ cd tag_classifier
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/dmitry/src/tag_classifier/.git/

Initialize dvc environment:

$ dvc init
Info. Directories data/, cache/ and state/ were created
Info. File .gitignore was created
Info. Directory cache was added to .gitignore file
Info. [Git] A new commit a5ed2b9 was made in the current branch. Added files:
Info. [Git] A  .gitignore
Info. [Git] A  dvc.conf

The output shows the actions that dvc has made. Special directories data/, cache/ and state/ were created to keep track of your external data which are not stored in git but have to be under users control. These three directories are mondatory for any dvc project.

Names of the directory might be changed by the dvc init command line parameters --data-dir, --cache-dir and --state-dir respectively. All these special directories names are going to be saved in dvc.conf config file as a result of the init command and should not be changed over dvc project life time.

As you might see from the output .gitignore file was created (or modified if you already had one). This is result of including cache directory to this file and also .dvc.conf.lock file. Meaning of these changes will be explain later in the tutorial.

DVC commits all the chenges to the git repository at the end of successful run. The commit step might be skipped by command line parameter --skip-git-actions. This parameter might be applied to any dvc command.

Importing data files

Data file has to be imported in dvc data/ directory before using it.

$ dvc data-import data/
$ dvc data-import data/
Info. [Git] A new commit 9f27943 was made in the current branch. Added files:
Info. [Git] A  data/Badges.xml
Info. [Git] A  state/Badges.xml.state

The data file was downloaded and now it is available in the data directory. However, it is only a part of the work that dvc has done.

If you look carefully at the file you could see that this is actually a symlink to a cache directory file Badges.xml_a5ed2b9:

$ ls -l data/Badges.xml
lrwxr-xr-x  1 dmitry  staff    27B Apr 17 16:19 data/Badges.xml@ -> ../cache/Badges.xml_a5ed2b9

Instead of importing the file to data/Badges.xml the system imports the file in the cache directory cache/Badges.xml_a5ed2b9 and creates a symlink data/Badges.xml. The file in the cache directory cache/Badges.xml_a5ed2b9 has the same name as the file in the data directory but extended by a suffix _a5ed2b9 which correspondes to a git snapshot checksum on the time when the file was created.

The system transparently moves the actual file to the cache directory and creates a symlink

  1. data/ directory was created to keep all your data files that not suppose to go to Git repository. This is the directory users suppose to use for all the data files. However, dvc transparently moves all actual files to the cache directory and keeps only symlink in data/.
  2. cache/ directory is a directory the file content.


This project is distributed under the Apache license version 2.0 (see the LICENSE file in the project root).

By submitting a pull request for this project, you agree to license your contribution under the Apache license version 2.0 to this project.

Setup / Configuration

dvc supports both aws and google cloud; you will need accounts either from aws or gcloud.

Edit dvc.conf, and fill in StoragePath under [Data] with your preferred bucket and path. For example,

StoragePath = gc://dvc-demo/dvcdata

Amazon AWS Setup

NB: To see your available buckets, run aws s3 ls


  • edit dvc.conf, and set Cloud = amazon
  • under [AWS], fill in AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey

Test dvc is correctly configured by running dvc test-aws (TODO)

Google Cloud Setup

NB: To see your available buckets, run gsutil ls.


  • edit dvc.conf, and set Cloud = google
  • under [GC], set ProjectName to your preferred (or just your default) project name.

Test dvc is correctly configured by running dvc test-gcloud.


mkdir t
cd !$
git init .
dvc init

Info. Directories data/, cache/ and state/ were created
Info. File .gitignore was created
Info. Directory cache was added to .gitignore file
Info. [Git] A new commit 34687b2 was made in the current branch. Added files:
Info. [Git]	A  .gitignore
Info. [Git]	A  dvc.conf


Create a virtualenv, for example, at ~/.environments/dvc by mkdir -p ~/.environments/dvc; virtualenv ~/.environments/dvc or use virtualenvwrapper.

# if you use virtualenvwrapper
workon dvc

# otherwise:
source ~/.environments/dvc/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

# happy coding!



# creates dist/dvc


Git for data scientists - manage your code and data together







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  • Python 90.7%
  • Inno Setup 5.3%
  • Shell 1.9%
  • PowerShell 1.4%
  • Batchfile 0.7%