The Tonik Starter Theme aims to modernize, organise and simplify some aspects of WordPress theme development. Take a look at what is waiting for you:
- Child theme friendly Autoloader
- Simple Theme Service Container
- Enhanced Templates Locator with support for passing data
- Centralized Theme Configs
- Use of PHP Namespaces
- Laravel Elixir as task runner for managing front-end assets
- SASS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript ES6
Make sure you have all these dependences installed before moving on:
Create project via composer create-project
composer command.
$ composer create-project tonik/tonik <theme-name>
You can also directly download or clone repository to the wp-content/themes
# Clone repository to the <theme-name> folder.
$ git clone [email protected]:tonik/tonik.git <theme-name>
Install back-end dependeces and generate autoloading file.
# Install composer dependences.
$ composer install -o
Install frontend dependences and task runner.
# Install node dependences.
$ npm install
Theme uses Laravel Elixir to compile it's scripts and stylesheets.
# Run compile tasks.
$ gulp
# Watch for file changes and rund compile tasks.
$ gulp watch
# Compile assets for production.
$ gulp --production
This starter theme introduces "easy to follow" folder structure, which enforce to divide your theme logic into separate files.
themes # — Root of your theme
├── bootstrap/ # — Files responsible for bootstrapping a theme
│ ├── compatibility.php # — Theme compatibility checker (don't edit)
│ ├── theme.php # — Theme bootstraper script (don't edit)
├── config/ # — Configuration files
│ ├── theme.php # — Theme configuration file
├── public/ # — Front-end compiled/builded assets (don't edit)
├── resources/ # — Resources files
│ ├── assets # — Front-end source assets
│ │ ├── js # — Theme JavaScript files
│ │ ├── sass # — Theme Stylesheets files
│ │ ├── images # — Theme images
│ │ ├── fonts # — Theme fonts
│ ├── languages # — Theme translations
│ ├── templates # — Theme templates
├── src/ # — Theme application logic
│ ├── Http/ # — Http layer of theme
│ │ ├── ajaxes.php # — Theme ajaxes endpoints
│ │ ├── assets.php # — Theme styles and scripts loading
│ ├── Setup/ # — Setups for theme
│ │ ├── actions.php # — Theme action hooks
│ │ ├── filters.php # — Theme filter hooks
│ │ ├── navs.php # — Theme navigation areas
│ │ ├── shortcodes.php # — Theme shortcodes
│ │ ├── sidebars.php # — Theme widgets areas
│ │ ├── supports.php # — Theme supports
│ │ ├── thumbnails.php # — Theme custom image sizes
│ │ ├── widgets.php # — Theme custom widgets
│ ├── Structure/ # — Structures for theme
│ │ ├── posttypes.php # — Theme custom post types
│ │ ├── taxonomies.php # — Theme custom taxonomies
│ ├── helpers.php # — Collection of helper functions
├── 404.php # — 404 page controller
├── composer.json # — PHP dependences and PSR-4 Autoloading
├── footer.php # — Footer partial template
├── functions.php # — Bootstrapping the theme. Initiates Autoloader and Composer (don't edit)
├── gin # — CLI Runner (don't edit)
├── header.php # — Header partial template
├── index.php # — Index page controller
├── package.json # — NPM dependencies and scripts
├── screenshot.png # — Theme screenshot image
├── style.css # — Theme details information (don't write any CSS declarations in here) provides "How to use" guide for themes created with this starter. Remember to properly fill this file before finalising project. Your clients will be grateful.