GTK interface for gpx2video tool.
Dev in progress
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor
cp -a icons/48x48 icons/scalable ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor
desktop-file-install --dir=$HOME/.local/share/applications data/com.progweb.gpx2video.desktop
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate
To build gpx2video, please install all gpx2video tool dependencies and gtk-4 libraries (on Debian):
apt-get install libgtkmm-4.0-dev libglibmm-2.68-dev libepoxy-dev
Then build in using cmake tools:
$ git clone
$ mkdir gpx2video/build
$ cd gpx2video/build
$ cmake -DBUILD_GTK=ON ..
$ make
$ ./gtk/gpx2video
By default docker will use debian:12.8-slim as base image, but you can change it.
make build-docker
make build-gpx2video
make run-gpx2video VIDEO_DIR=~/Video
./gtk/gpx2video /data/video.mp4
- Key 'left arrow': -10.0 seconds
- Key 'right arrow': 10.0 seconds
- Key 'down arrow': -60.0 seconds
- Key 'up arrow': 60.0 seconds
- Key 's': step one frame