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This section covers:

  • working with small molecule models in structural chemistry
  • and working with chemical components in structural biology (chemical components describe parts of macromolecular models).


When working with molecular structures, it is good to have basic data from the periodic table at hand.


.. literalinclude:: code/elem.cpp


>>> import gemmi
>>> gemmi.Element('Mg').weight
>>> gemmi.Element(118).name
>>> gemmi.Element('Mo').atomic_number

We also included covalent radii of elements from a Wikipedia page, which has data from Cordero et al (2008), Covalent radii revisited, Dalton Trans. 21, 2832.

>>> gemmi.Element('Zr').covalent_r

van der Waals radii taken from Wikipedia and cctbx:

>>> gemmi.Element('K').vdw_r

and a flag for metals:

>>> gemmi.Element('Mg').is_metal
>>> gemmi.Element('C').is_metal

The classification into metals and non-metals is somewhat arbitrary. It can be adjusted using the function set_is_metal:

>>> gemmi.Element('Sb').is_metal
>>> gemmi.set_is_metal('Sb', False)
>>> gemmi.Element('Sb').is_metal

The scattering properties of elements are covered in the :ref:`Scattering <scattering>` section.

Small Molecules

CIF files that describe small-molecule and inorganic structures can be read into a SmallStructure object. Unlike macromolecular :ref:`Structure <structure>`, SmallStructure has no hierarchy. It is a flat list of atomic sites (SmallStructure::Site) together with the unit cell and symmetry.

.. literalinclude:: code/smcif.cpp

>>> import gemmi
>>> SiC = gemmi.read_small_structure('../tests/1011031.cif')
>>> SiC.cell
<gemmi.UnitCell(4.358, 4.358, 4.358, 90, 90, 90)>
>>> # content of _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M or _space_group_name_H-M_alt
>>> SiC.spacegroup
<gemmi.SpaceGroup("F -4 3 m")>
>>> list(SiC.sites)
[<gemmi.SmallStructure.Site Si1>, <gemmi.SmallStructure.Site C1>]
>>> len(SiC.get_all_unit_cell_sites())

Each atomic site has the following properties:

>>> site = SiC.sites[0]
>>> site.label
>>> site.type_symbol
>>> site.fract
<gemmi.Fractional(0, 0, 0)>
>>> site.occ
>>> site.u_iso  # not specified here
>>> site.element  # obtained from type_symbol 'Si4+'
>>> site.charge   # obtained from type_symbol 'Si4+'

The occupancies in small molecules normally represent the actual chemical occupancy. This differs from macromolecular crystallography, where models normally store "crystallographic" occupancy -- atoms on special positions have their occupancy divided by the number of symmetry images in the same place. This reduction of occupancy simplifies the calculation of structure factors.

>>> 1 / site.occ
>>> SiC.change_occupancies_to_crystallographic()
>>> 1 / site.occ

We will need another cif file to show anisotropic ADPs and disorder_group:

>>> perovskite = gemmi.read_small_structure('../tests/4003024.cif')
>>> for site in perovskite.sites:
...   print(site.label, site.aniso.nonzero(), site.disorder_group or 'n/a')
Cs1 True n/a
Sn2 False 1
Cl1 True n/a
In False 2
>>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u11
>>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u22
>>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u33
>>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u12
>>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u13
>>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u23

The Python examples above read CIF files using read_small_structure(). Alternatively, the same can be done in two steps:

>>> cif_doc ='../tests/1011031.cif')
>>> SiC = gemmi.make_small_structure_from_block(cif_doc.sole_block())

Now you also have access to the CIF document.


When reading a small-molecule CIF file, a few CIF items that describe the space group are read and stored in member variables:

>>> st = gemmi.read_small_structure('../tests/2013551.cif')
>>> st.symops
['x, y, z', '-y, x-y, z', 'y, x, -z', '-x+y, -x, z', '-x, -x+y, -z', 'x-y, -y, -z', '-x, -y, -z', 'y, -x+y, -z', '-y, -x, z', 'x-y, x, -z', 'x, x-y, z', '-x+y, y, z']
>>> st.spacegroup_hall
'-P 3 2"'
>>> st.spacegroup_hm
'P -3 m 1'
>>> st.spacegroup_number

and the function determine_and_set_spacegroup("S.H2") is automatically run to set spacegroup:

>>> st.spacegroup
<gemmi.SpaceGroup("P -3 m 1")>

determine_and_set_spacegroup() takes one argument, a string in which characters specify what to use, and in what order, for space group determination:

  • S = symmetry operations stored in symops,
  • H = Hall symbol from spacegroup_hall (we compare symmetry operations encoded in the Hall symbol, not the strings),
  • 1 = H-M symbol; for space groups such as "P n n n" that have two origin choices listed in the International Tables, use Origin Choice 1,
  • 2 = H-M symbol, with Origin Choice 2 where applicable,
  • N = the space group number,
  • . (after S or H) = if the symmetry operations pass sanity checks, stop and use them regardless of whether they correspond to one of the settings tabulated in Gemmi.

If a symbol or operations match one of the 560+ space group settings tabulated in Gemmi, spacegroup is set to this setting. Otherwise, if . is encountered and the previous character (S or H) was evaluated to a valid set of symops, it is assumed that these operations were correct: spacegroup is left null and cell.images are set from the list of operations. About 350 (out of 500,000+) entries in the COD use such settings. Most of them have an unconventional choice of the origin (e.g. "P 1 21 1 (a,b,c-1/4)").

To use a different order of items than "S.H2", call determine_and_set_spacegroup() again:

>>> st.determine_and_set_spacegroup('H.1')

Errors such as an incorrect format of the symop triplets or of the Hall symbol are silently ignored, and the consistency between different items is not checked. That's because this function is run when reading a file; throwing an exception at that stage would prevent reading a file. We have a separate function to check for errors and inconsistencies. It returns a string, one line -- one error:

>>> st.check_spacegroup()

If the spacegroup setting used in a file is not tabulated in Gemmi, you can still create a GroupOps object with symmetry operations:

>>> gemmi.GroupOps([gemmi.Op(o) for o in st.symops])  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<gemmi.GroupOps object at 0x...>
>>> # or
>>> gemmi.symops_from_hall(st.spacegroup_hall)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<gemmi.GroupOps object at 0x...>

In C++ it would be similar, except that the following function would be used to make gemmi::GroupOps from symops:

GroupOps split_centering_vectors(const std::vector<Op>& ops)

without CIF file

If your structure is stored in a macromolecular format (PDB, mmCIF) you can read it first as macromolecular :ref:`Structure <structure>` and convert it to SmallStructure:

>>> gemmi.mx_to_sx_structure(gemmi.read_structure('../tests/HEM.pdb'))
<gemmi.SmallStructure: HEM>

You could also create SmallStructure from scratch:

>>> small = gemmi.SmallStructure()
>>> small.spacegroup_hm = 'F -4 3 m'
>>> small.cell = gemmi.UnitCell(4.358, 4.358, 4.358, 90, 90, 90)
>>> small.determine_and_set_spacegroup("2")
>>> # add a single atom
>>> site = gemmi.SmallStructure.Site()
>>> site.label = 'C1'
>>> site.element = gemmi.Element('C')
>>> site.fract = gemmi.Fractional(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
>>> site.occ = 1
>>> small.add_site(site)

Chemical Components

Residues (monomers) and small molecule components of macromolecular models are called chemical components. Gemmi can use three sources of knowledge about chemical components:

  • built-in basic data about 350+ popular components,
  • the Chemical Component Dictionary (CCD) maintained by the PDB (25,000+ components),
  • so-called CIF files compatible with the format of the CCP4 Monomer Library (more about monomer libraries in the :ref:`next section <monlib>`).

Built-in data

The built-in data is accessed through the function find_tabulated_residue. It contains only minimal information about each residue: assigned category, the "standard" flag (non-standard residues are marked as HETATM in the PDB, even in polymer), one-letter code, the number of hydrogens and molecular weight:

.. literalinclude:: code/resinfo.cpp

>>> gln = gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('GLN')
>>> gln.is_amino_acid()
>>> gln.one_letter_code
>>> round(gln.weight, 3)
>>> gln.hydrogen_count
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('DOD').is_water()
>>> # PDB marks "non-standard" residues as HETATM.
>>> # Pyrrolysine is standard - some microbes have it.
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('PYL').is_standard()
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('MSE').is_standard()

One-letter code is an upper case letter if it is a standard residue. Otherwise, it can be the letter for the parent residue in lower case, or a space. It is common to use X for non-standard residue -- for this we have helper function fasta_code():

>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('MET').one_letter_code
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('MSE').one_letter_code
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('HOH').one_letter_code
' '
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('MET').fasta_code()
>>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('MSE').fasta_code()

CCD and monomer CIF files

To get more complete information, including atoms and bonds in the monomer, we need to first read either the CCD or a :ref:`monomer library <monlib>`.

The CCD :file:`components.cif` file describes all the monomers (residues, ligands, solvent molecules) from the PDB entries. Importantly, it contains information about bonds.


The absence of bond information in mmCIF files from wwPDB is a well-known problem. This information is included in so-called updated mmCIF files from PDBe, as well as in BinaryCIF and mmJSON files.

Macromolecular refinement programs need to know more about monomers than the CCD can tell: they need to know how to restrain the structure. Therefore, they have their own dictionaries of monomers (a.k.a monomer libraries), such as the CCP4 Monomer Library (for Refmac), where each monomer is described by one cif file. These libraries are often complemented by user's own cif files.

Gemmi provides a ChemComp class that corresponds to a monomer from either the CCD or a cif file.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/with_bgl.cpp
   :lines: 13-14,42-47

>>> # SO3.cif -> gemmi.ChemComp
>>> block ='../tests/SO3.cif')[-1]
>>> so3 = gemmi.make_chemcomp_from_block(block)

This class is not fully documented yet.

The examples in :ref:`graph_analysis` show how to access ChemComp's atoms and bonds.

Monomer library

Structural biologists routinely use prior knowledge about biomolecules to augment the data obtained in an experiment. This prior knowledge is what we know about preferred geometries in molecules (distances between atoms, etc.). This knowledge is extracted primarily from experimental small molecule databases (COD and CSD) and QM calculations. One way to store that prior knowledge is in a so-called monomer library. In addition to describing monomers (chemical components from the previous section), the monomer library also describes links between monomers and may contain various other data useful in macromolecular refinement.

In Gemmi, data from a monomer library is stored in the class MonLib. Currently, MonLib is modeled after and works only with the CCP4 monomer library. This library was introduced in the early 2000s to provide restraint templates for Refmac. There are only two other popular MX refinement programs: PHENIX and BUSTER. PHENIX provides geostd, which was forked from CCP4 ML and is still quite similar. In BUSTER the prior knowledge is organized differently.

The restraints we use are similar to those used in molecular dynamics (bond, angle, dihedral, improper dihedral and planarity restraints). Originally, the monomer library was created because MD potentials were deemed inadequate for refinement. Since then, both the restraints in experimental structural biology and MD potentials have improved, independently of each other. In recent years there have been a few examples of using AMBER and OpenMM potentials for MX refinement. Currently, there is no clear advantage to one approach over the other.

MonLib has the following member variables (std:: omitted for readability):

  • string monomer_dir -- the top-level directory, in CCP4 it's $CLIBD_MON.
  • map<string, ChemComp> monomers -- chemical components read from the monomer library. Usually, we read only the components present in a model. Chemical components contains restraint templates
  • map<string, ChemLink> links -- link descriptions. Each ChemLink contains rules for determining to what links it is applicable, restrain templates for restraining a link, and the names of modifications to be applied to linked monomers.
  • map<string, ChemMod> modifications -- each modification is a set of rules for changing ChemComp. The rules can add, remove or modify atoms (they often remove a hydrogen atom) and restraints.
  • map<string, ChemComp::Group> cc_groups -- groups defined in the library to classify monomers. Each monomer is assigned a group (such as peptide or non-polymer). The groups are then used to match link templates against the links between monomers.
  • EnerLib ener_lib -- data from $CLIBD_MON/ener_lib.cif.


For now, here is an example of how to read the CCP4 monomer library (Refmac dictionary):

>>> monlib_path = os.environ['CCP4'] + '/lib/data/monomers'
>>> # Usually, residue names from a model are obtained by calling:
>>> #resnames = gemmi.Model.get_all_residue_names()
>>> resnames = ['LEU', 'VAL', 'HIS', 'SER', 'ASN', 'HOH']
>>> monlib = gemmi.MonLib()
>>> monlib.read_monomer_lib(monlib_path, resnames, logging=sys.stderr)

The logging argument above is described in the next section.

MonLib can be used to prepare :ref:`Topology <topology>`.