Fast and easy-to-use tools for planet transit modelling using Python or Fortran.
Transit models: Optimized Fortran implementation of the transit model by A. Gimenez (A&A 450, 1231--1237, 2006).
Author Hannu Parviainen [email protected]
Basic Python use: m = Gimenez() # Initialize the model, use quadratic limb darkening law and all available cores I = m(z,k,u) # Evaluate the model for projected distance z, radius ratio k, and limb darkening coefficients u
Use linear interpolation: m = Gimenez(lerp=True) # Initialize the model I = m(z,k,u) # Evaluate the model
Use linear interpolation, two different sets of z: m = Gimenez(lerp=True) # Initialize the model I1 = m(z1,k,u) # Evaluate the model for z1, update the interpolation table I2 = m(z2,k,u, update=False) # Evaluate the model for z2, don't update the interpolation table