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This zero-dependency ES6 module transforms a select with numerical-range values (i.e. 1-5) into a dynamic star rating element.


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A zero-dependency library that transforms a select with numerical-range values (i.e. 1-5) into a dynamic star rating element.

For production, use the files from the dist/ folder.


npm i star-rating.js


Your SELECT option fields must have numerical values.

<link href="css/star-rating.css" rel="stylesheet">

<select class="star-rating">
    <option value="">Select a rating</option>
    <option value="5">Excellent</option>
    <option value="4">Very Good</option>
    <option value="3">Average</option>
    <option value="2">Poor</option>
    <option value="1">Terrible</option>

<script src="js/star-rating.min.js"></script>
    var stars = new StarRating('.star-rating');

To rebuild all star rating controls (e.g. after form fields have changed with ajax):


To fully remove all star rating controls, including all attached Event Listeners:



Here are the default options

    classNames: {
        active: 'gl-active',
        base: 'gl-star-rating',
        selected: 'gl-selected',
    clearable: true,
    maxStars: 10,
    prebuilt: false,
    stars: null,
    tooltip: 'Select a Rating',

Type: String

The classname to use for the active (hovered or value <= of the selected value) state of a star.


Type: String

The classname to use for the base element that wraps the star rating.


Type: String

The classname to use for the selected state of a star.


Type: Boolean

Whether or not the star rating can be cleared by clicking on an already selected star.


Type: Integer

The maximum number of stars allowed in a star rating.


Type: Boolean

If this option is true, only the event listeners will be added and no DOM manipulation will take place. You will need to ensure that the DOM looks something like this:

<span class="gl-star-rating">
        <option value="">Select a rating</option>
        <option value="5">5 Stars</option>
        <option value="4">4 Stars</option>
        <option value="3">3 Stars</option>
        <option value="2">2 Stars</option>
        <option value="1">1 Star</option>
    <span class="gl-star-rating--stars">
        <span data-value="1"></span>
        <span data-value="2"></span>
        <span data-value="3"></span>
        <span data-value="4"></span>
        <span data-value="5"></span>


Type: Function

This can be used to add a SVG image to each star value instead of using the background images in the CSS.


Type: String|False

The placeholder text for the rating tooltip, or false to disable the tooltip.


npm install
npm run build

The compiled files will be saved in the dist/ folder.

Note: If importing this into your project, you will need to add @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining to your babel config.

Style Customization

Following are the default CSS variable values for Star Rating:

:root {
    --gl-star-color: #fdd835;                     /* if using SVG images */
    --gl-star-color-inactive: #dcdce6;            /* if using SVG images */
    --gl-star-empty: url(../img/star-empty.svg);  /* if using background images */
    --gl-star-full: url(../img/star-full.svg);    /* if using background images */
    --gl-star-size: 24px;
    --gl-tooltip-border-radius: 4px;
    --gl-tooltip-font-size: 0.875rem;
    --gl-tooltip-font-weight: 400;
    --gl-tooltip-line-height: 1;
    --gl-tooltip-margin: 12px;
    --gl-tooltip-padding: .5em 1em;
    --gl-tooltip-size: 6px;

To override any values with your own, simply import the CSS file into your project, then enter new CSS variable values after the import.

@import 'star-rating';

:root {
    --gl-star-size: 32px;

How to change CSS style priority

Sometimes an existing stylesheet rules will override the default CSS styles for Star Ratings. To solve this problem, you can use the postcss-selector-namespace plugin in your PostCSS build on the CSS file before combining with your main stylesheet. This namespace value should be a high priority/specificity property such as an id attribute or similar.


  • All modern browsers

If you need to use the Star Rating library in a unsupported browser (i.e. Internet Explorer), use the Polyfill service.


  1. If your star rating has a label field, add the pointer-events: none; style to it to prevent the focus event from triggering on touch devices.


All changes should be committed to the files in src/.


v4.2.0 - [2022-03-24]

  • Perform a complete teardown on destroy allowing a rebuild from the selector in a new DOM

v4.1.5 - [2021-09-25]

  • Added a data-rating attribute on the widget which holds the transient/selected rating

v4.1.4 - [2021-05-29]

  • Fixed selected index on reset

v4.1.3 - [2021-04-09]

  • Fixed focus state with pointer events

v4.1.2 - [2021-02-24]

  • Fixed error when initialising more than once

v4.1.1 - [2021-02-14]

  • Removed v3 compatibility mode when using the prebuilt option

v4.1.0 - [2021-02-13]

  • Added the prebuilt option

v4.0.6 - [2021-02-05]

  • Remove the focus from being triggered entirely as it caused to many problems on ios and I don't have time to fix it

v4.0.5 - [2021-02-03]

  • Fixed an invalid change event from being triggered by the reset event

v4.0.4 - [2021-02-02]

  • Export a babel-transpiled commonjs module

v4.0.3 - [2021-01-29]

  • Fixed rollup config to support optional-chaining in babel

v4.0.2 - [2021-01-23]

  • Fixed compatibility mode (when 'function' !== typeof options.stars)
  • Removed trigger of change event after init as this could trigger unwanted validation

v4.0.1 - [2021-01-22]

  • Fixed the change event for disabled SELECT elements

v4.0.0 - [2021-01-22]

  • Code has been rewritten as an ES6 module and optimised
  • Added requestAnimationFrame to the pointer move events
  • Added the stars option which allows you to use custom SVG images for each star
  • Replaced the classname option with the classNames option
  • Replaced the initialText with the tooltip option
  • Replaced gulp with rollup for the build
  • Replaced SASS with PostCSS

v3.4.0 - [2020-10-18]

  • Specify passive:false on event listeners to suppress Chrome warnings

v3.2.0 - [2020-07-13]

  • Cleanup stale DOM if needed before initializing

v3.1.8 - [2020-06-29]

  • Fixed clearable option
  • Fixed events on disabled SELECT

v3.1.5 - [2019-11-01]

  • Added ability to use a NodeList as a selector

v3.1.4 - [2019-01-28]

  • Updated package URL

v3.1.3 - [2019-01-27]

  • Fixed issue when used outside of a FORM

v3.1.2 - [2019-01-07]

  • Fixed issue that allowed multiple star-rating transformations on the same SELECT element

v3.1.1 - [2018-07-27]

  • Provided an un-minified CSS file in /dist
  • Removed the change event trigger from the reset event

v3.1.0 - [2018-07-24]

  • Changed the star-filled SCSS map option to star-full
  • Changed the star-empty, star-full, and star-half SCSS map options to url(...). This allows one to use none as the value of background-image.

v3.0.0 - [2018-07-24]

  • Dropped support for Internet Explorer (use, specifically: Element.prototype.closest, Element.prototype.dataset, Event)
  • Removed the onClick option (listen for the change event instead)

v2.3.1 - [2018-07-22]

  • CSS improvements

v2.3.0 - [2018-07-20]

  • Added a $star-rating[parent] SCSS option

v2.2.2 - [2018-07-16]

  • Fixed IE 11+ compatibility

v2.2.1 - [2018-07-13]

  • Fixed touch events on Android devices

v2.2.0 - [2018-07-09]

  • Added a classname option
  • Added a $star-rating[base-classname] SCSS option
  • Added touch events
  • Fixed detection of an unset option value
  • Optimised the minified output
  • Removed unused code

v2.1.1 - [2018-05-25]

  • Fixed jshint warnings

v2.1.0 - [2018-05-11]

  • Added support for the keyboard
  • Fixed accessibility support
  • Fixed RTL support

v2.0.0 - [2018-05-02]

  • Major rewrite of library
  • Added support for loading as a module
  • Added support for RTL
  • Removed jQuery plugin
  • Removed IE9 support

v1.3.3 - [2017-04-11]

  • Fixed race conditions preventing correct element.outerWidth calculation

v1.3.1 - [2016-12-22]

  • Fixed checking existence of parent form element before attaching an event to it
  • Fixed mousemove event not correctly unattaching

v1.3.0 - [2016-10-10]

  • Changed clickFn to onClick which now passes the select HTMLElement as the argument

v1.2.2 - [2016-10-10]

  • Fixed "reset" event when the clearable option is false

v1.2.1 - [2016-10-09]

  • Fixed resetting the star-rating when a form "reset" event is triggered

v1.2.0 - [2016-10-09]

  • Removed dependencies
  • Fixed HTML5 “required” attribute validation

v1.1.0 - [2016-10-06]

  • Added showText option

v1.0.1 - [2016-10-06]

  • Fixed using the wrong left offset

v1.0.0 - [2016-10-06]

  • Initial release




This zero-dependency ES6 module transforms a select with numerical-range values (i.e. 1-5) into a dynamic star rating element.







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