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Building ParaView

This page describes how to build and install ParaView. It covers building for development, on both Unix-type systems (Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, macOS), and Windows. Note that Unix-like environments such as Cygwin and MinGW are not officially supported. However, patches to fix problems with these platforms will be considered for inclusion.

ParaView depends on several open source tools and libraries such as Python, Qt, CGNS, HDF5, etc. Some of these are included in the ParaView source itself (e.g., HDF5), while others are expected to be present on the machine on which ParaView is being built (e.g., Python, Qt).

Obtaining the source

To obtain ParaView's sources locally, clone this repository using Git.

git clone --recursive


ParaView supports all of the common generators supported by CMake. The Ninja, Makefiles, and Visual Studio generators are the most well-tested however.


ParaView only requires a few packages in order to build in general, however specific features may require additional packages to be provided to ParaView's build configuration.


  • CMake
    • Version 3.10 or newer, however, the latest version is always recommended
  • Supported compiler
    • GCC 4.8 or newer
    • Clang 4 or newer
    • Xcode 9 or newer
    • Visual Studio 2015 or newer

Optional dependencies:

  • Python
    • When using Python 2, at least 2.7 is required
    • When using Python 3, at least 3.3 is required
  • Qt5
    • Version 5.9 or newer

Installing CMake

CMake is a tool that makes cross-platform building simple. On several systems it will probably be already installed or available through system package management utilities. If it is not, there are precompiled binaries available on CMake's download page.

Installing Qt

ParaView uses Qt as its GUI library. Precompiled binaries are available on Qt's website.

Note that on Windows, the compiler used for building ParaView must match the compiler version used to build Qt.

The Linux packages for Qt 5.9 use a version of protobuf that may conflict with that used by ParaView. If, when running ParaView, error messages about a mismatch in protobuf versions appears, moving the plugin out of the plugins/platformthemes directory has been sufficient in the past.

Optional Additions

Download And Install ffmpeg (.avi) movie libraries

When the ability to write .avi files is desired, and writing these files is not supported by the OS, ParaView can use the ffmpeg library. This is generally true for Linux. Source code for ffmpeg can be obtained from the website.


To run ParaView in parallel, an MPI implementation is required. If an MPI implementation that exploits special interconnect hardware is provided on your system, we suggest using it for optimal performance. Otherwise, on Linux/Mac, we suggest either OpenMPI or MPICH. On Windows, Microsoft MPI is required.


In order to use scripting, Python is required (versions 2.7 and 3.3). Python is also required in order to build ParaViewWeb support.


Off-screen Mesa can be used as a software-renderer for running ParaView on a server without hardware OpenGL acceleration. This is usually available in system packages on Linux. For example, the libosmesa6-dev package on Debian and Ubuntu. However, for older machines, building a newer version of Mesa is likely necessary for bug fixes and support. Its source and build instructions can be found on its website.

Creating the Build Environment

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

  • sudo apt install the following packages:
    • build-essential
    • cmake
    • mesa-common-dev
    • mesa-utils
    • freeglut3-dev
    • ninja-build
      • ninja is a speedy replacement for make, highly recommended.

Note: If you are using an Ubuntu-provided compiler, there is a known issue with the optional Python linking. This case is hard to auto-detect, so if undefined symbol errors related to Python symbols arise, setting vtk_undefined_symbols_allowed=OFF may resolve the errors. If it does not, please file a new issue.


  • Visual Studio Community Edition
  • Use "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" for the installed Visual Studio version to configure with CMake and to build with ninja.
  • Get ninja. Unzip the binary and put it in PATH.


In order to build, CMake requires two steps, configure and build. ParaView itself does not support what are known as in-source builds, so the first step is to create a build directory.

!!! note On Windows, there have historically been issues with long paths to the build directory. These should have been addressed, but they may appear again. If any are seen, please report them to the issue tracker.

mkdir -p paraview/build
cd paraview/build
ccmake ../path/to/paraview/source # -GNinja may be added to use the Ninja generator

CMake's GUI has input entries for the build directory and the generator already. Note that on Windows, the GUI must be launched from a "Native Tools Command Prompt" available with Visual Studio in the start menu.

Build Settings

ParaView has a number of settings available for its build. The common variables to modify include:

  • PARAVIEW_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS (default ON): If set, shared libraries will be built. This is usually what is wanted.
  • PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI (default ON): Builds the paraview GUI application.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_MPI (default OFF): Whether MPI support will be available or not.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_OSPRAY (default OFF): Whether OSPRay ray-tracing support will be available or not.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON (default OFF): Whether Python support will be available or not.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_WEB (default OFF; requires PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON): Whether ParaViewWeb support will be available or not.
  • PARAVIEW_PLUGIN_ENABLE_<name> (default varies): Whether to enable a plugin or not.

ParaView uses VTK's module system to control its build. This infrastructure provides a number of variables to control modules which are not otherwise controlled by the other options provided.

  • VTK_MODULE_USE_EXTERNAL_<name> (default depends on PARAVIEW_USE_EXTERNAL): Use an external source for the named third-party module rather than the copy contained within the ParaView source tree.
  • VTK_MODULE_ENABLE_<name> (default DEFAULT): Change the build settings for the named module. Valid values are those for the module system's build settings (see below).
  • VTK_GROUP_ENABLE_<name> (default DEFAULT): Change the default build settings for modules belonging to the named group. Valid values are those for the module system's build settings (see below).

For variables which use the module system's build settings, the valid values are as follows:

  • YES: Require the module to be built.
  • WANT: Build the module if possible.
  • DEFAULT: Use the settings by the module's groups and PARAVIEW_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
  • DONT_WANT: Don't build the module unless required as a dependency.
  • NO: Do not build the module.

If any YES module requires a NO module, an error is raised.

Less common, but variables which may be of interest to some:

  • PARAVIEW_BUILD_DEVELOPER_DOCUMENTATION (default OFF): If set, the HTML documentation for ParaView's C++, Python, and proxies will be generated.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_EXAMPLES (default OFF): If set, ParaView's example code will be added as tests to the ParaView test suite.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_LOGGING (default ON): If set, enhanced logging will be enabled.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_VTKM (default ON): Enable VTK-m accelerated algorithms in ParaView.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_VISITBRIDGE (default OFF): Enable support for VisIt readers.
  • PARAVIEW_BUILD_TESTING (default OFF): Whether to build tests or not. Valid values are OFF (no testing), WANT (enable tests as possible), and ON (enable all tests; may error out if features otherwise disabled are required by test code).
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_KITS (default OFF; requires CMake 3.12+): Compile ParaView into a smaller set of libraries. Can be useful on platforms where ParaView takes a long time to launch due to expensive disk access.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_CATALYST (default ON): Whether to build Catalyst CoProcessing support or not.

More advanced options:

  • PARAVIEW_BUILD_ALL_MODULES (default OFF): If set, ParaView will enable all modules not disabled by other features.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_NVPIPE (default OFF): Use nvpipe image compression when communicating the GPU. Requires CUDA and an NVIDIA GPU.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_GDAL (default OFF): Enable support for reading GDAL files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_LAS (default OFF): Enable support for reading LAS files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_OPENTURNS (default OFF): Enable support for reading OpenTURNS files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PDAL (default OFF): Enable support for reading PDAL files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_MOTIONFX (default OFF): Enable support for reading MotionFX files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_MOMENTINVARIANTS (default OFF): Enable MomentInvariants filters.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_XDMF2 (default OFF): Enable support for reading Xdmf2 files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_XDMF3 (default OFF): Enable support for reading Xdmf3 files.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_FFMPEG (default OFF; not available on Windows): Enable FFmpeg support.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_COSMOTOOLS (default OFF; requires PARAVIEW_USE_MPI and not available on Windows): Enable support for CosmoTools which includes GenericIO readers and writers as well as some point cloud algorithms.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_MPI_SSEND (default OFF; requires PARAVIEW_USE_MPI): Use synchronous send commands for communication.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_ICE_T (default OFF; requires PARAVIEW_USE_MPI): Use Ice-T for parallel rendering.
  • PARAVIEW_INITIALIZE_MPI_ON_CLIENT (default ON; requires PARAVIEW_USE_MPI): Initialize MPI on client processes by default.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_QT_SUPPORT (default OFF; implied by PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI): Enable Qt support.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_QTHELP (default ON; requires PARAVIEW_ENABLE_QT_SUPPORT): Use Qt's help infrastructure for runtime documentation.
  • PARAVIEW_ENABLE_COMMANDLINE_TOOLS (default ON; implied by PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI): Build command line tools such as pvserver and pvrenderserver.
  • PARAVIEW_USE_EXTERNAL (default OFF): Whether to prefer external third party libraries or the versions ParaView's source contains.
  • PARAVIEW_VERSIONED_INSTALL (default ON): Whether to add version numbers to ParaView's include and plugin directories in the install tree.
  • PARAVIEW_CUSTOM_LIBRARY_SUFFIX (default depends on PARAVIEW_VERSIONED_INSTALL): The custom suffix for libraries built by ParaView. Defaults to either an empty string or pvX.Y where X and Y are ParaView's major and minor version components, respectively.
  • PARAVIEW_PLUGINS_DEFAULT (default ON): The state for ParaView's set of enabled-by-default plugins. Note that this variable only really has an effect on initial configures or newly added plugins.
  • PARAVIEW_INSTALL_DEVELOPMENT_FILES (default ON): If set, ParaView will install its headers, CMake API, etc. into its install tree for use.
  • PARAVIEW_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL (default ON): If set, the install tree will be relocatable to another path. If unset, the install tree may be tied to the build machine with absolute paths, but finding dependencies in non-standard locations may require work without passing extra information when consuming ParaView.

Building documentation

The following targets are used to build documentation for ParaView:

  • ParaViewDoxygenDoc - build the doxygen documentation from ParaView's C++ source files.
  • ParaViewPythonDoc - build the documentation from ParaView's Python source files.
  • ParaViewDoc-TGZ - build a gzipped tarball of ParaView documentation.