##Personal new tab page with keyboard navigation, bookmarks, weather, quote, most recently listened to song, and image background.
- Background is a random nature photo that changes daily from Unsplash Source
- Weather is powered by Dark Sky!
- If it is snowing or raining, it will "snow" thanks to HermannBjorgvin/SnowJs
- Weather icons are from Climacons
- Keyboard navigation is thanks to ccampbell/mousetrap!
- Random inspirational quote!
- Most recently listened to song thanks to my Last.FM script pschfr/LastFM.js!
Each category can open by keyboard and click, press escape or click background to close all.
###You need extensions for most browsers to use this as your new tab page:
- New Tab Redirect for Chrome
- You can also go to chrome://extensions, tick Developer Mode, and Load as unpacked extension for faster loading.
- New Tab Override for Firefox
- Custom New Tab Page for Opera
- Safari - just set it as your homepage in settings.
It's super fast. Fully loaded at ~300ms (~150ms as an extension!!) :D
Feel free to fork, and add your own bookmarks and quotes. If you have any questions, tweet me or file an issue or pull request.