A boilerplate for building React libraries.
- React with recompose
- Rollup with Babel, SCSS and other plugins:
- styled-components with default stylelint support
- Monorepo support with Lerna
- Run tests with Jest
- Code Coverage reporting with Codecov
- Dev sandbox and documentation with Storybook
- Structural and interaction testing with Enzyme
- Type checking with Flow
- JS style check with ESLint using AirBnb style guide
Install the latest Node JS LTS and Yarn and simply run yarn [install] && yarn bootstrap
commands in the root project directory.
During development,
yarn start # watch, build, and serves packages
yarn add <package-name> --dev # for dev tools, story dependencies, libraries to be bundled
yarn add <package-name> [--peer] # for external dependencies (Note: Include in externals from rollup.config.common.js whenever update)
yarn lerna add <package-name> [--dev] packages/<target-package-name>] # Add/link a package to a sub-package. See section: Including sub-packages
This boilerplate supports Monorepo configurations out of the box and will watch, build, serve any local packages. Each package should have src/index.js
entry file. Additionally, it may include a stories.js
file at its root to include stories.
By default, local packages are independently versioned. You may import your own repos with Lerna or create your own sub-packages using NPM:
yarn lerna import <path-to-external-repository> # import a repository to packages/
# or
mkdir packages/<my-package> && cd <my-package> && yarn init
See Lerna's offical readme for a configuration and usage guide.
You can also give alias to source files of the packages in order to work with Visual Studio Code's Intellisense. See jsconfig.json and usage.
By default, the lerna.json
defines the mainå package at the root. You may opt-out of this configuration manually, by removing its settings and any alias references to its directory or package.
Note, the main package has one limitation: it cannot include any non-published packages.
yarn flow-typed-install # clean & install flow definitions
yarn flow-typed-update # downloads and updates new flow definitions
yarn flow # performs type checking on files
yarn lint # runs linter to detect any style issues (css & js)
yarn lint:css # lint only css
yarn lint:js # lint only js
yarn lint:js --fix # attempts to fix js lint issues
yarn test # runs functional/unit tests using Jest
yarn test --coverage # with coverage
You can also inspect tests in debug mode within Visual Studio Code.
yarn build # builds all packages
yarn build:dev [--environment PACKAGES:<*,package-name>] # builds sources for development, optionally provide environment variable to specify local package(s) e.g. yarn build:dev --environment PACKAGES:default-export,package-* (glob pattern supported)
yarn build:prod [--environment PACKAGES:<*,package-name>] # builds sources for production
yarn watch [--environment PACKAGES:<*,package-name>]# watches dev builds
yarn dist # builds all packages and publishes to npm