Learn Kafka Streams with several examples!
The exercises and samples for the training "Docker for JVM projects".
⚡️ A sample Spring Data Cassandra REST API
Example microservices with Spring, Kubernetes, and Cassandra
Modern Java Web Applications with Spring Boot 2.x, Published by Packt
A RESTful web service to managing ToDo items.
DataStax-Examples / getting-started-with-astra-java
Forked from clun/getting-started-with-apollo-javaExample REST API in Java showing how to connect to and query DataStax Astra databases
A demo application that interacts with Apache Cassandra(R) using the Java driver 4.4+ and reactive programming
Source codes from article: Spring Boot + Thymeleaf CRUD Example
Spring Boot + JPA/Hibernate + PostgreSQL RESTful CRUD API Example
Documenting Spring Boot REST API with SpringDoc + OpenAPI 3