A wrapper for WebRTC which focuses on data-only. So no streams just a simple and reliable API for peer-to-peer data channels, both reliable and unreliable.
var signal = new AppChannelSignal({room: 'test'});
var peers = new PeerData(signal);
peers.on('open', function(){ console.log('peer data open') });
peers.on('peer connected', function(){ console.log('peer data connected') });
peers.on('peer disconnected', function(){ console.log('peer data disconnected') });
peers.on('close', function(){ console.log('peer data close') });
var channel = peers.channel('reliable');
channel.on('open', function(e){ console.log('reliable open'); });
channel.on('message', function(e){ console.log('reliable message'); });
channel.on('close', function(e){ console.log('reliable close'); });
var channel = peers.channel('unreliable', {maxRetransmits: 10});
channel.on('open', function(e){ console.log('unreliable open'); });
channel.on('message', function(e){ console.log('unreliable message'); });
channel.on('close', function(e){ console.log('unreliable close'); });
Signals are responsible for the initial handshake and peer presence (connected, disconnected).
{peer:String} - the peer id assigned in roommessage
{from:String, data:JSON}close
Broadcasts a message to all clients connected to the signal.
Closes the connection to the signal. Will also disconnect from any peer data connections using this signal.
A peer data instance has N connected peers and M channels. Will call open()
the signal if it's not already open.
peer connected
peer disconnected
A list of Peer instances.
Closes the connection to other peers. Will also close any channel connections using this peer data connection. Will not close the signal, so it's possible to create a new PeerData instance on the signal after it's closed.
Get or create a PeerChannel instance.
Options: http://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#idl-def-RTCDataChannelInit
Simply makes a DataChannel which connects to each peer.
{from:String, type:['json', 'binary', 'string'], data:Dynamic}
Send a message to all peers connected to the channel. Any messages sent before a peer was connected will not be received.
Closes a peers connection the channels. Does not
A peer has a peer id and a PeerConnection and for each created PeerChannel it will also have a DataChannel.
Peers will be created and removed upon connection/disconnection