The idea is to analyze and understand the contribution of all the Lead Characters of F.R.I.E.N.D.S TV series (1994-2004) in-terms of number of dialogues spoken by them.
Lead Characters/The FRIENDS in this TV series are Chandler, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel and Ross.
Data is scraped from episode transcipts - html
files. These transcripts can be downloaded from my GitHub repo.
R code to extract data and create plots is here.
Once you extract and tidy
the data, it looks like this...
> dialogues
# A tibble: 227 × 8
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
1 1 76 80 141 38 94 94 01
2 2 32 17 56 28 75 126 01
3 3 72 56 103 76 52 66 01
4 4 64 47 94 62 86 78 01
5 5 70 72 66 46 74 80 01
6 6 115 60 68 20 30 43 01
7 7 49 54 46 49 86 106 01
8 8 74 22 68 32 36 96 01
9 9 52 64 96 40 70 71 01
10 10 61 38 46 97 36 58 01
# ... with 217 more rows
From the plot below, you can see the Number of dialogues(#dialogues) spoken in all Ten Seasons by each Lead-Character.
Overall, the writers maintained #dialogues by all characters to be close to each other's, with Rachel delivering the highest (15,707) and Phoebe the least*(12,443). Chandler(14,091), Joey(13,865)* & Monica*(14,032)* are in the same league and Rachel & Ross*(15174)* are in the other. I guess you can expect that #dialogues for Phoebe are the least. Phoebs is not the least favourite character though! :)
Season 6 has the highest #dialogues*(10,897)* out of all Ten seasons. And season 5 (10,738), season 6 & season 7*(10,798)* have almost same #dialogues. Maybe the writers tended to create more content toward the middle of the series.
And also it is obvious that something went wrong while extracting data for Season 2 as #dialogues for this season*(1,416)* are pretty less compared with the rest. I have to revisit the script, to get accurate data for this season. And it's also worth to check data extraction for Season 10 as well, as #dialogues for this season (4,392) doesn't compare well with the others.
From the plot below, you can see the Percentage of dialogues spoken by each characer in each Season.
Even from this plot it's clear that Phoebe has the least #dialogues in the series.
The above plots show clear contribution of all the Lead-Characters individually towards each season. And even from these plots, it's clear that more work might be needed to extract data from Seasons 2 & 10.