We use Cypress for E2E (end-to-end) tests.
See the following guide in our documentation: https://docs.opencollective.com/help/contributing/development/testing-with-cypress
In dev environment, to execute the E2E tests, you will need to open 3 different terminals in 2 different projects.
To make sure tests are properly reproducible, you will need to setup the Open Collective API locally.
We recommend to run a build and not the development environment.
- clone and install opencollective-api
Then, simply start it for E2E with:
npm run start:e2e
Behind the scenes it will do the following (so you don't have to do it):
- set environment variables:
- reset a dedicated database (opencollective_e2e):
npm run db:restore:e2e
- migrate the database:
npm run db:migrate
- build the API server:
npm run build
- start the API server:
npm run start
If it's not already setup, look at the "Install" instructions in the README.
Make sure the Frontend is talking to the local API:
In your .env
, paste the following content:
We recommend to run a build of the Frontend. It will be faster and more reliable.
npm run build:e2e
Start from the build:
npm run start:e2e
When investigating a specific test, feel free to switch to the development environment:
TZ=UTC npm run dev
You can run all the Cypress tests in CLI mode with the following command:
npm run test:e2e
Cypress tests are split in 4 different groups. You can run these groups individually in CLI mode with:
npm run test:e2e:0
npm run test:e2e:1
npm run test:e2e:2
npm run test:e2e:3
To inspect tests, you can open the Cypress application with the following command:
npm run cypress:open
- To launch with Chrome, use
npm run cypress:open -- --browser chrome
(double check Chrome is selected in the UI before running) - On Mac OS, to force Chrome to use the English language:
defaults write com.google.Chrome AppleLanguages '(en, en-US)'