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Building a Torch-TensorRT container

  • Use Dockerfile to build a container which provides the exact development environment that our main branch is usually tested against.

  • The Dockerfile currently uses Bazelisk to select the Bazel version, and uses the exact library versions of Torch and CUDA listed in dependencies.

    • The desired versions of TensorRT must be specified as build-args, with major and minor versions as in: --build-arg TENSORRT_VERSION=a.b
    • [Optional] The desired base image be changed by explicitly setting a base image, as in --build-arg BASE_IMG=nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04, though this is optional.
    • [Optional] Additionally, the desired Python version can be changed by explicitly setting a version, as in --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.11, though this is optional as well.
  • This Dockerfile installs cxx11-abi versions of Pytorch and builds Torch-TRT using cxx11-abi libtorch as well. As of torch 2.7, torch requires cxx11-abi for all CUDA 11.8, 12.4, 12.6, and later versions.

Note: By default the container uses the cxx11-abi version of Torch + Torch-TRT. If you are using a workflow that requires a build of PyTorch on the PRE CXX11 ABI, please add the Docker build argument: --build-arg USE_PRE_CXX11_ABI=1



  • The example below uses TensorRT
  • See dependencies for a list of current default dependencies.

From root of Torch-TensorRT repo


DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg TENSORRT_VERSION=10.9.0 -f docker/Dockerfile -t torch_tensorrt:latest .


nvidia-docker run --gpus all -it --shm-size=8gb --env="DISPLAY" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --name=torch_tensorrt --ipc=host --net=host torch_tensorrt:latest


You can run any converter test to verify if Torch-TRT built successfully inside the container. Once you launch the container, you can run

bazel test //tests/core/conversion/converters:test_activation --compilation_mode=opt --test_output=summary --config use_precompiled_torchtrt --config pre_cxx11_abi
  • --config use_precompiled_torchtrt : Indicates bazel to use pre-installed Torch-TRT library to test an application.
  • --config pre_cxx11_abi : This flag ensures bazel test uses pre_cxx11_abi version of libtorch. Use this flag corresponding to the ABI format of your Torch-TensorRT installation.

Pytorch NGC containers

We also ship Torch-TensorRT in Pytorch NGC containers . Release notes for these containers can be found here. Check out release/ngc/23.XX branch of Torch-TensorRT for source code that gets shipped with 23.XX version of Pytorch NGC container.