Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
Run PyTorch LLMs locally on servers, desktop and mobile
⚡Dynamic blog based on Cloudflare Pages + Workers + D1 + R2
Retrieve machine state information about CPU time, memory usage, etc.
An extensible infix syntax for math in Common Lisp.
Make bilingual epub books Using AI translate
A Common Lisp kernel for Jupyter along with a library for building Jupyter kernels.
tamurashingo / reddit1.0
Forked from reddit-archive/reddit1.0Refactored old reddit source code
Backend core needed for automated trading
cl-scripting, utilities for scripting in Common Lisp
Common Lisp implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Dynamic library delivery tools for SBCL.
Application delivery for Common Lisp
Network Remote Control Car Software For Raspberry Pi.
A library for the Linux GPIO kernel module as used on hobby kits such as the Raspberry Pi
mmaul / clml
Forked from mathematical-systems/clmlCommon Lisp Machine Learning Library