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Example Recurrent Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis (Aspect-Based) on SemEval 2014

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Sentiment Analysis with Pytorch [WIP]

Pytorch Example For Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with RNN / GRUs / LSTMs on SemEval 2014.

Currently we implemented a baseline LSTM/RNN/GRU model with a linear layer on the last output along with a target-dependent, TD-LSTM (Tang et al 2015) model for Aspect based sentiment analysis (ABSA).

The sequences are padded with zeros from the front so that the last vector is not zero. We pad these in the prepare script using keras pad sequences. Nothing is masked so far and we pad to the max length.

There are two modes of prediction, namely term and aspect. Aspect refers to aspect categories while term refers to, well, terms which are sequences that can be found in the text itself. There are two datasets, Laptop and Restaurants. There are both term and aspect settings for Laptop but only aspect setting for restaurants.


Before running you need a folder ../embedding/ one directory higher than project root. (That is where my glove embeddings to avoid copying them in every single project)

Data Preperation

  1. Download glove embeddings from paper.
Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D
Manning. 2014. Glove: Global vectors for word representation.
Proceedings of the Empiricial Methods
in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2014),
  1. Make directory
mkdir ../glove_embeddings
  1. place glove.840B.300d.txt into ../glove_embeddings
python         # Will take awhile.

This should build into ./store and ./embeddings/. The former is the environment object that reads while the file written into embeddings is just a smaller concised version of glove so that I can rerun fast.

For training and evaluation, run the following script. Evaluates accuracy every epoch. (Note, it takes awhile for the model to stop predicting all the same class)

python --batch-size 20 --rnn_type GRU --cuda --gpu 1 --lr 0.0001 --mdl RNN --clip_norm 1 --opt Adam

This should give

[Epoch 50] Train Loss=0.680990989366
Test loss=0.810974478722
Output Distribution={0: 158, 1: 158, 2: 804}

After 50 epoches.

We also support TD-LSTM (target-dependent LSTM)

python --batch-size 20 --rnn_type GRU --cuda --gpu 1 --lr 0.0001 --mdl TD-RNN --clip_norm 1 --opt Adam

[Epoch 50] Train Loss=0.641238689423 Test loss=0.838252484798 Output Distribution={0: 178, 1: 122, 2: 820} Accuracy=0.70625

Seems like TD-LSTM does nothing to improve the results on this dataset. 

## Notes

1) Basic LSTM/RNN/GRU works! Testing on SemEval (Term Category + Restaurants) give about 73-75% accuracy around epoch 20. This is the same result I previously got using TensorFlow. The algorithm constantly predicts the same class (2) for the first 10+ iterations though. 

2) Handling Gradiet Clipping is done as follows:

if(self.args.clip_norm>0): coeff = clip_gradient(self.mdl, self.args.clip_norm) for p in self.mdl.parameters(): p.grad.mul_(coeff) self.optimizer.step()

Not sure if this is correct or not.

3) It seems like RNNs in pyTorch are batch-minor, i.e, seq length is dim 0 and batch is dim 1. Let's wait for more variable length support.

4) Pretrained embeddings are supported. (I loaded GloVe)

5) I wonder how to make the embedding layer non-trainable?

#### Additional Notes on Dataset Pre-processing

1) I fixed 3 aspect terms in the restaurant dataset which are **clearly** typos.

==================== [384, 4494, 358, 2389, 2569, 964, 4686, 182, 2817, 2580, 322, 3501, 303, 3387, 4065, 940, 2] ['good', 'atmosphere', 'combination', 'of', 'all', 'the', 'hottest', 'music', 'dress', 'code', 'is', 'relatively', 'strict', 'except', 'on', 'fridays', ''] ['dress', 'cod'] [Warning] Target not found in text!

[1632, 5071, 4437, 1065, 2865, 1419, 3900, 1380, 903, 119, 2930, 1844, 3201, 4002, 2] ['interesting', 'other', 'dishes', 'for', 'a', 'change', 'include', 'chicken', 'in', 'curry', 'sauce', 'and', 'salmon', 'caserole', ''] ['chicken', 'in', 'curry', 'sauc'] [Warning] Target not found in text!

[368, 4523, 4426, 3782, 897, 2044, 2465, 1496, 4558, 384, 4997, 2865, 3860, 4264, 4044, 2671, 964, 1674, 719, 2] ['they', 'should', 'have', 'called', 'it', 'mascarpone', 'with', 'chocolate', 'chips', 'good', 'but', 'a', 'far', 'cry', 'from', 'what', 'the', 'name', 'implies', ''] ['mascarpone', 'with', 'chocolate', 'chip'] [Warning] Target not found in text!


Example Recurrent Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis (Aspect-Based) on SemEval 2014






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