该项目旨在用一个完整的项目,来展示如何用go语言做企业级的后端服务开发。项目涵盖开发的各个流程和比较重要的功能点实现方式。 具体涵盖如下流程:设计 -> 开发环境配置 -> 开发 -> 单元测试 -> 功能测试 -> 部署
分为V1、V2、V3 3个版本:
Minimum Requirements
- 1 vCPU
- 2 GB of Memory
- 50 GB of Disk Space
Operating Systems
- CentOS Linux 7.6 (64-bit)
For the full story, head over to the developer's documentation.
You are encouraged to communicate most things via GitHub issues or pull requests.
- Lingfei Kong [email protected]
IAM is licensed under the MIT. See LICENSE for the full license text.