This is a person re-identification (re-id) project that aims at learning generic deep features from multiple person re-id datasets.
We have integrated our self-brewed caffe into external/caffe
, which provides batch-normalization and multi-gpu parallel training. Please clone this project with the command:
git clone --recursive
Apart from the official installation prerequisites, we have several other dependencies: cudnn-v4, openmpi, and 1.55 <= boost < 1.60. You may install them manually or by a package manager (apt-get, pacman, yum, etc.).
Then configure the Makefile.config
and compile the caffe.
cd external/caffe
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
# Configure the libraries properly
make -j8 && make py
First, download some person re-id datasets at here with password 8hjx. Make a soft link to the root directory:
ln -sf /path/to/the/root/of/datasets external/raw
Next, create a directory for our experiments, where later we will put formatted datasets, databases, snapshots, and some results.
mkdir -p /path/to/the/experiment/directory
ln -sf /path/to/the/experiment/directory external/exp
First we need to format raw datasets into our uniform data format.
Next convert each formatted dataset into a LMDB.
At last merge all the datasets together for the joint single-task learning (JSTL).
Some model and solver definitions are listed in models/
. Use the shell scripts provided in scripts/
to run the experiments. Note that by default the scripts will use two GPUs. You may find the command mpirun -n 2 ... -gpu 0,1
in the scripts and adapt it with your own settings.
As an example, training a net by Joint Single-Task Learning (JSTL) is done by
scripts/ 0 googlenet_bn
The snapshots will be saved in external/exp/snapshots/jstl/
After training, use scripts/ dataset_split_name model_name caffemodel_path [blob_name]
to extract features, for example,
scripts/ cuhk03_split_00 googlenet_bn \
external/exp/snapshots/jstl/jstl_split_00_googlenet_bn_iter_55000.caffemodel \
Then learn a metric and evaluate by CMC score, for example,
python2 eval/ \
This will print several top-k accuracies, and you may find the top-1 accuracy to be around 73%.
We summarize some commonly used person re-id datasets below. They can be downlaoded from here with password 8hjx.
Name | Reference |
3DPeS | D. Baltieri, et al., 3DPes: 3D people dataset for surveillance and forensics |
CUHK01 | W. Li, et al., Human reidentification with transferred metric learning |
CUHK02 | W. Li, et al., Locally Aligned Feature Transforms across Views |
CUHK03 | W. Li, et al., Deepreid: Deep filter pairing neural network for person re-identification |
i-LIDS | W. Zheng, et al., Associating groups of people |
i-LIDS-VID | T. Wang, et al., Person Re-Identification by Video Ranking |
Market-1501 | L. Zheng, et al., Scalable Person Re-identification: A Benchmark |
OPeRID | S. Liao, et al., Open-set Person Re-identification |
PRID | M. Hirzer, et al., Person re-identification by descriptive and discriminative classification |
RAiD | A. Das et al., Consistent re-identification in a camera network |
Shinpuhkan | Y. Kawanishi, et al., Shinpuhkan2014: A Multi-Camera Pedestrian Dataset for Tracking People across Multiple Cameras |
VIPeR | D. Gray, et al., Evaluating appearance models for recognition, reacquisition, and tracking |