In format of [team_name] Daily Report , where team_name should be replaced by your team name, and, no need to put your name or date in the subject.
For example, [XXX Server] Daily Report
, XXX Server
is a team name.
In this format:
- Tasks:
- Item1
- Item2
- Item3
- Research:
- Item1
- Item2
- Item3
Next Day:
- Tasks:
- Item1
- Item2
- Item3
- Research:
- Item1
- Item2
- Item3
The content should be well organized, not too concise nor too verbose.
The purpose of daily report is to report your progress to your leader, including coding and researching, what have you done, what problems you have encountered, what solutions/workarounds you have came up with, and what are you planning to do next, so your leader can act accordingly or help you in time. Think of this purpose before you send it out.
Don't write it like a diary of events, don't put activities like push code, review code, merge code into it. State what matters.
If you're describing a problem, attach enough context, what references you have read, what's the decision you have made.
Use simple present tense with verbs, no need of I did or I will .
Pay attention to writing and formating, including spelling and punctuations.
A bad example, this is useless:
- Tasks:
- Fix some bugs.
Next Day:
- Tasks:
- Fix more bugs.
A good example:
- Tasks:
- Draft db schema of xxx and xxx, see doc.
- Fix bug #11: xxx, #14: xxx.
- Try to fix bug #12: xxx, there is a bug of xxx library, my workaround is xxx, not sure if this is appropriate, please advise.
- Implement story #3: xxx, 70 percent done.
- Research:
- Read book xxx chapter xxx, now I understand xxx.
- Learn about xxx, know when and how to use it.
Next Day:
- Tasks:
- Draft db schema of xxx and xxx.
- Continue to fix bug #12: xxx with better solution.
- Finish story #3: xxx.
- Research:
- Research xxx, find out why xxx.
NOTE: the doc
and #11
, #14
etc in the example should be http links, when you mention something, if they have external related resources, link them. On the contrast, just write Fix bug #11 is not friendly, you're forcing your leader to manually navigate, which is a wast of time.
No matter if you were free so you learned some new knowledge or you were too busy with tasks, always send the daily report, there is no execuse to skip.