Seastar is a high performance server-side application framework written in C++. Please read more about Seastar at
This library provides an efficient, extensible, implementation of Raft consensus algorithm for Seastar. For more details about Raft see
Raft PhD is using a set of terms which are widely adopted in the industry, including this library and its documentation. The library provides replication facilities for state machines. Thus the state machine here and in the source is a user application, distributed by means of Raft. The library is implemented in a way which allows to replace/ plug in its key components:
- communication between peers by implementing rpc API
- persisting the library's private state on disk, via persistence class
- shared failure detection by supplying a custom failure detector class
- user state machine, by passing an instance of state machine class.
Please note that the library internally implements its own finite state machine for protocol state - class fsm. This class shouldn't be confused with the user state machine.
- log replication, including throttling for unresponsive servers
- managing of the user's state machine snapshots
- leader election, including the pre-voting algorithm
- non-voting members (learners) support
- configuration changes using joint consensus
- read barriers
- forwarding commands to the leader
In order to use the library, the application has to provide implementations
for RPC, persistence and state machine APIs, defined in raft/raft.hh
class rpc
, provides a way to communicate between Raft protocol instances,class persistence
persists the required protocol state on disk,- class
is the actual state machine being replicated.
A complete description of expected semantics and guarantees is maintained in the comments for these classes and in sample implementations. Let's list here key aspects the implementer should bear in mind:
- RPC should implement a model of asynchronous, unreliable network, in which messages can be lost, reordered, retransmitted more than once, but not corrupted. Specifically, it's an error to deliver a message to a wrong Raft server.
- persistence should provide a durable persistent storage, which survives between state machine restarts and does not corrupt its state. The storage should contain an efficient mostly-appended-to part containing Raft log, thousands and hundreds of thousands of entries, and a small register-like memory are to contain Raft term, vote and the most recent snapshot descriptor.
- Raft library calls
for entries reliably committed to the replication log on the majority of servers. Whileapply()
is called in the order the entries were serialized in the distributed log, there is no guarantee thatapply()
is called exactly once. E.g. when a server restarts from the persistent state, it may re-apply some already applied log entries.
Seastar's execution model is that every object is safe to use within a given shard (physical OS thread). Raft library follows the same pattern. Calls to Raft API are safe when they are local to a single shard. Moving instances of the library between shards is not supported.
For an example of first usage see
in test/raft/.
In a nutshell:
- create instances of RPC, persistence, and state machine
- pass them to an instance of Raft server - the facade to the Raft cluster on this node
- call server::start() to start the server
- repeat the above for every node in the cluster
- use
to submit new entriesstate_machine::apply()
is called after the added entry is committed by the cluster.
Similar to the first usage, but internally start()
to load the protocol and state
machine state, persisted by the previous incarnation of this
server instance.
Seastar Raft implementation provides arbitrary configuration changes: it is possible to add and remove one or multiple nodes in a single transition, or even move Raft group to an entirely different set of servers. The implementation adopts the two-step algorithm described in the original Raft paper:
- first, a log entry with joint configuration is committed. The "joint" configuration contains both old and new sets of servers. Once a server learns about a new configuration, it immediately adopts it, so as soon as the joint configuration is committed, the leader will require two majorities - the old one and the new one - to commit new entries.
- once a majority of servers persists the joint entry, a final entry with new configuration is appended to the log.
If a leader is deposed during a configuration change, a new leader carries out the transition from joint to the final configuration.
No two configuration changes could happen concurrently. The leader refuses a new change if the previous one is still in progress.
One of the design goals of Seastar Raft was to support multiple Raft protocol instances. The library takes the following steps to address this:
class server_address
, used to identify a Raft server instance (one participant of a Raft cluster) uses globally unique identifiers, while provides an extraserver_info
field which can then store a network address or connection credentials. This makes it possible to share the same transport (RPC) layer among multiple instances of Raft. But it is then the responsibility of this shared RPC layer to correctly route messages received from a shared network channel to a correct Raft server using server UUID.- Raft group failure detection, instead of sending Raft RPC every 0.1 second
to each follower, relies on external input. It is assumed
that a single physical server may be a container of multiple Raft
groups, hence failure detection RPC could run once on network peer level,
not sepately for each Raft instance. The library expects an accurate
instance from a complying implementation. - Since Raft leader no longer sends RPC every 0.1 second there can be a situation when a follower may not know who the leader is for a long time (if the leader is idle). Add an extension that allows a follower to actively search for a leader by sending specially crafted append reply RPC to all voters. A leader will reply with an empty append message to such a message.
tl;dr: do not turn pre-voting OFF
The library implements the pre-voting algorithm described in Raft PHD. This algorithms adds an extra voting step, requiring each candidate to collect votes from followers before updating its term. This prevents "term races" and unnecessary leader step downs when e.g. a follower that has been isolated from the cluster increases its term, becomes a candidate and then disrupts an existing leader. The pre-voting extension is ON by default. Do not turn it OFF unless testing or debugging the library itself.
Another extension suggested in the PhD is protection against disruptive leaders. It requires followers to withhold their vote within an election timeout of hearing from a valid leader. With pre-voting ON and use of shared failure detector we found this extension unnecessary, and even leading to reduced liveness. It was thus removed from the implementation.
As a downside, with pre-voting OFF servers outside the current configuration can disrupt cluster liveness if they stay around after having been removed.
Raft instance needs to update RPC subsystem on changes in configuration, so that RPC can deliver messages to the new nodes in configuration, as well as dispose of the old nodes. I.e. the nodes which are not the part of the most recent configuration anymore.
New nodes are added to the RPC configuration after the configuration change is committed but before the instance sends messages to the peers.
Until the messages are successfully delivered to at least the majority of "old" nodes and we have heard back from them, the mappings should be kept intact. After that point the RPC mappings for the removed nodes are no longer of interest and thus can be immediately disposed.
There is also another problem to be solved: in Raft an instance may need to communicate with a peer outside its current configuration. This may happen, e.g., when a follower falls out of sync with the majority and then a configuration is changed and a leader not present in the old configuration is elected.
The solution is to introduce the concept of "expirable" updates to the RPC subsystem.
When RPC receives a message from an unknown peer, it also adds the return address of the peer to the address map with a TTL. Should we need to respond to the peer, its address will be known.
An outgoing communication to an unconfigured peer is impossible.
A snapshot is a compact representation of the user state machine
state. The structure of the snapshot and details of taking
a snapshot are not known to the library. It uses instances
of class snapshot_id
(essentially UUIDs) to identify
state machine snapshots.
The snapshots are used in two ways:
- to manage Raft log length, i.e. be able to truncate the log when it grows too big; to truncate a log, the library takes a new state machine snapshot and erases most log entries older than the snapshot;
- to bootstrap a new member of the cluster or
catch up a follower that has fallen too much behind
the leader and can't use the leader's log alone; in
this case the library instructs the user state machine
on the leader to transfer its own snapshot (identified by snapshot
id) to the specific follower, identified by
. It's then the responsibility of the user state machine to transfer its compact state to the peer in full.
is a library container for snapshot id
and associated metadata. This class has the following structure:
struct snapshot_descriptor {
// Index and term of last entry in the snapshot
index_t idx = index_t(0);
term_t term = term_t(0);
// The committed configuration in the snapshot
configuration config;
// Id of the snapshot.
snapshot_id id;
// The APIs in which the snapshot descriptor is used:
future<snapshot_id> state_machine::take_snapshot()
void state_machine::drop_snapshot(snapshot_id id)
future<> state_machine::load_snapshot(snapshot_id id)
future<snpashot_reply> rpc::send_snapshot(server_id server_id, const install_snapshot& snap, seastar::abort_source& as)
future<> persistence::store_snapshot_descriptor(const snapshot& snap, size_t preserve_log_entries);
future<> persistence::load_snapshot_descriptor()
The state machine must save its snapshot either
when the library calls state_machine::take_snapshot()
, intending
to truncate Raft log length afterwards, or when the snapshot
transfer from the leader is initiated via rpc::send_snapshot()
In the latter case the leader's state machine is expected to contact the follower's state machine and send its snapshot to it.
When Raft wants to initialize a state machine with a snapshot
state it calls state_machine::load_snapshot()
with appropriate
snapshot id.
When raft no longer needs a snapshot it uses
to inform the state machine it
can drop the snapshot with a given id.
Raft persists the currently used snapshot descriptor by calling
. There is no separate
API to explicitly drop the previous stored descriptor, the
call is allowed to overwrite it. On success, this call is followed
by state_machine::drop_snapshot()
to drop the snapshot referenced
by the previous descriptor in the state machine.
The snapshot state must survive restarts, so it should be put to
disk either in take_snapshot()
or when with persisting the
snapshot descriptor, in persistence::store_snapshot_descriptor()
It is possible that a crash or stop happens soon after creating a
new snapshot and before dropping the old one. In that case
contains only the latest snapshot descriptor.
The library never uses more than one snapshot, so when the state
machine is later restarted all snapshots except the one with its
id persisted in the snapshot descriptor can be
safely dropped.
Calls to state_machine::take_snapshot()
and snapshot transfers are not
expected to run instantly. Indeed, respective API returns
, so these calls may take a while. Imagine the
state machine has a snapshot and is asked by the library to
take a new one. A leader change happens while snapshot-taking is in
progress and the new leader starts a snapshot transfer to the
follower. Even less likely, but still possible, that a yet another
leader is elected and it also starts an own snapshot transfer to the
follower. And another one. Thus a single server may be taking a
local state machine snapshot and running multiple transfers. When
all of this is done, the library will automatically select the
snapshot with the latest term and index, persist its id in the
snapshot descriptor and call state_machine::load_snapshot()
with this
id. All the extraneous snapshots will be dropped
by the library, unless the server crashes.
Once again, to cleanup any garbage after a crash, the complying
implementation is expected to delete all snapshots except the one
which id is persisted in the snapshot descriptor upon restart.