notes Public
Forked from brylevkirill/notesResources to learn more about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
UpdatedJul 31, 2019 -
Balzac-for-Jekyll Public
Forked from ColeTownsend/Balzac-for-JekyllYour favorite AnchorCMS theme, now for Jekyll!
CSS MIT License UpdatedJan 1, 2019 -
Drowsiness_Detection Public
BiophotonicsProject Public
Using infrared and red light to measure oxidated hemoglobin and heart rate
MATLAB UpdatedDec 18, 2015 -
bluetooth-remote-control Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/bluetooth-remote-control
Java UpdatedDec 5, 2015 -
bioimageProj Public
[Bio-image processing class] Design an algorithm (or simply a set of steps) to classify a bunch of testing images given a set of training images
MATLAB UpdatedMay 5, 2014 -
phpproject Public
[Class IT for healthcare (Spring 2014]: Design a simple website to manage hospital database
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