Starred repositories
BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
fragmject is a learning project prepared for Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. | fragmject 是一个为初学者准备的上手项目。 通过对 Kotlin 和 Compose 的系统运用,实现的一个功能完备符合主流市场标准 App。 fragmject 没有复杂的业务和多余的封装, 完全依照 Android Develope…
Add Wheel Date - Time Picker in Android Jetpack Compose.
Compose Multiplatform views, in to Android, Web, Desktop, iOS: Pager, Banner, Indicator, Refresh Layout, Flow Layout, Menu Floating Action Button, Pull To Refresh, Chain Scrollable Component, Scrol…
Showcase Paging3 integration with Jetpack compose
Sample app demonstrating how to pin views in center/bottom of a BottomSheet as it's dragged
Example on how to implement a parallax scrolling effect in Jetpack Compose