This is the software package of the post-quantum lattice-based digital signature scheme qTESLA for the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization project.
qTESLA is a family of post-quantum signature schemes based on the hardness of the decisional Ring Learning With Errors (R-LWE) problem. The scheme is an efficient variant of the Bai-Galbraith signature scheme, which in turn is based on the "Fiat-Shamir with Aborts" framework by Lyubashevsky, adapted to the setting of ideal lattices.
qTESLA utilizes two different approaches for parameter generation in order to target a wide range of application scenarios. The first approach, referred to as "heuristic qTESLA", follows a heuristic parameter generation. The second approach, referred to as "provably- secure qTESLA", follows a provably-secure parameter generation according to existing security reductions.
Concretely, qTESLA includes five parameter sets targeting two security levels:
I Heuristic qTESLA:
- qTESLA-I: NIST's security category 1.
- qTESLA-III-speed: NIST's security category 3 (option for speed).
- qTESLA-III-size: NIST's security category 3 (option for size).
II Provably-secure qTESLA:
- qTESLA-p-I: NIST's security category 1.
- qTESLA-p-III: NIST's security category 3.
The full specification of the scheme can be found in the qTESLA website
: Contains the Known Answer TestsReference_implementation
: Contains the reference implementationsAdditional_implementations/avx2
: Contains the AVX2-optimized implementations
This folder contains known answer test results for the proposed parameter sets, classified by platorm support (xx = 32 or 64 bits) and implementation (reference or AVX2).
: Known answer test results for qTesla-Iref/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-III-size.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-III-sizeref/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-III-speed.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-III-speedref/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-p-I.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-p-Iref/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-p-III.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-p-IIIavx2/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-I.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-Iavx2/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-III-size.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-III-sizeavx2/<KATxx>/PQCsignKAT_qTesla-III-speed.rsp
: Known answer test results for qTesla-III-speed
This folder contains five subfolders which contain the reference implementations for the proposed parameter sets:
- "qTesla-I" : Reference implementation of qTesla-I with parameters for NIST’s security category 1
- "qTesla-III-size" : Reference implementation of qTesla-III-size with parameters for NIST’s security category 3
- "qTesla-III-speed" : Reference implementation of qTesla-III-speed with parameters for NIST’s security category 3
- "qTesla-p-I" : Reference implementation of qTesla-p-I with parameters for NIST’s security category 1
- "qTesla-p-III" : Reference implementation of qTesla-p-III with parameters for NIST’s security category 3
This folder contains three subfolders which contain the additional AVX2 implementations for the heuristic parameter sets:
- "qTesla-I" : AVX2 implementation of qTesla-I with parameters for NIST’s security category 1
- "qTesla-III-size" : AVX2 implementation of qTesla-III-size with parameters for NIST’s security category 3
- "qTesla-III-speed" : AVX2 implementation of qTesla-III-speed with parameters for NIST’s security category 3
Each implementation directory has its own makefile, and can be compiled by executing, for the reference implementations:
$ cd Reference_implementation/qTesla_{SET}
$ make ARCH=[x64/x86/ARM/ARM64] CC=[gcc/clang] DEBUG=[TRUE/FALSE]
For the AVX2 implementations:
$ cd Additional_implementations/avx2/qTesla_{SET}
$ make CC=[gcc/clang] DEBUG=[TRUE/FALSE]
By default (i.e., just running "make"), the compilation is done with gcc for x64, DEBUG=FALSE. Testing and benchmarking results can be seen by running the command:
$ ./test_qtesla-{SET}
where {SET} is one of the parameter set options I, III-speed, III-size, p-I or p-III.
This outputs key and signature sizes, and cycle counts for key generation, signing, and verification.
If compilation is done with DEBUG=TRUE, executing test_qtesla-{SET} additionally outputs acceptance probabilities during key generation and signing.
KAT files can be generated by executing:
Precomputed KAT values can be tested against the code by executing:
This software is licensed under the MIT License; see License
for details.
The software also includes third-party code licensed as follows:
: public domainsrc/sha3/fips202x4.c
: public domainsrc/sha3/keccak4x
: all files in this folder are public domain (CC0), exceptingsrc/sha3/keccak4x/brg_endian.h
which is copyrighted by Brian Gladman and comes with a BSD 3-clause license.tests/PQCtestKAT_sign.c
: copyrighted by Lawrence E. Basshamtests/rng.c
: copyrighted by Lawrence E. Bassham
The qTESLA team is integrated by the following researchers from industry and academia (in alphabetical order):
- Sedat Akleylek, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
- Erdem Alkim, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
- Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, University of Washington Tacoma, USA
- Nina Bindel, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Johannes Buchmann, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Edward Eaton, ISARA Corporation, Canada
- Gus Gutoski, ISARA Corporation, Canada
- Juliane Krämer, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Patrick Longa, Microsoft Research, USA
- Harun Polat, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Jefferson E. Ricardini, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Gustavo Zanon, University of São Paulo, Brazil