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Filesystem Service

Conceptual Summary

To eliminate security issues like path traversal, we introduced a new Filesystem Service which streamlines the filesystem access for ILIAS. The service provides a modular way for extension, which enables the ILIAS community to seamless extend the service with additional supported filesystem types.

There are four directories which are accessed via the service:

  • Data directory within the ILIAS webroot
  • ILIAS data directory
  • Customizing directory
  • Temporary directory

ILIAS DI integration

To use the new filesystem service a new key is introduced into the DIC named "filesystem". It's possible to access the 4 storage locations via the methods described bellow. Each of the 4 Methods return a filesystem object which satisfies the Filesystem interface.

global $DIC;

//new filesystem service key

//access the 4 predefined storage locations
$DIC["filesystem"]->web();                //Data directory within the ILIAS web root
$DIC["filesystem"]->storage();            //ILIAS data directory
$DIC["filesystem"]->customizing();        //The Customizing directory within the ILIAS web root
$DIC["filesystem"]->temp();               //Temporary directory

Getting started

Core concepts

Files first

The filesystem has a file first approach. There are storage systems like AWS S3 which are linear. These systems use the path to a file as identifier instead of the directories the file is nested in.

This means the directories are second class and not always needed. Because of that fact directories will be automatically created on filesystem that require them. This makes writing files a lot easier and ensures a consistent behaviours across different filesystems.

Relative paths

Because to the portability and abstraction of the filesystem each path is relative. The filesystem root paths local or remote are viewed as endpoints. Because of that filesystems can be switched out as needed. It also allows ILIAS to operate on different filesystems at once.


The main entry point for the filesystem API is the Filesystem interface. The way it works is because of the adapter pattern which eliminates the differences of the supported filesystems.

File operations

There are several operation which can be used to manipulate files on the given filesystem. For each operation you need to fetch an actual filesystem via the ILIAS container.

$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
// ...  do awesome stuff


The write will create a new file an write the content into it. If the file already exists the operation fails.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$webDataRoot->write('relative/path/to/file', 'awesome stuff');


Reads the content from an existing file.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$content = $webDataRoot->read('relative/path/to/file');


Overwrite the content of the file with a new one. The file must already exist or the operation will fail.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$webDataRoot->update('relative/path/to/file', 'awesome stuff');


Deletes an existing file. If the file does not exist the operation will fail.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();


The put operation creates or updates a file.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$webDataRoot->put('relative/path/to/file', 'awesome stuff');


The read and delete operation reads the entire content of a file and delete it after the read operation is complete.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$content = $webDataRoot->readAndDelete('relative/path/to/file');


The has operation is used to check the existence of files. Please not that this operation only works for files.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$exists = $webDataRoot->has('relative/path/to/file');


Moves a file to the given destination. The operation fails, if the destination file already exists or the source file is not found.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$webDataRoot->rename('relative/path/to/file', 'new/path/to/file');


Copies a file to an other location. The operation fails, if the destination file already exists or the source file is not found.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$webDataRoot->copy('relative/path/to/file', 'path/to/file/copy');

File information


The filesystem service tries to get the most suitable mime type of the file. The operation fails if the file could not be found or red.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$mimeType = $webDataRoot->getMimeType('relative/path/to/file');


Get the timestamp (mtime) of the file.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$timestamp = $webDataRoot->getTimestamp('relative/path/to/file');


Fetches the file size.

use ILIAS\Data\DataSize;

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$fileSize = $webDataRoot->getSize('relative/path/to/file', DataSize::MiB);
$message = "File size: " . $fileSize->getSize() . " " . $fileSize->getSize();


Every filesystem has own concepts and restrictions in terms of the filesystem security. Because of that the filesystem service introduces its own abstraction which is consistent over all filesystems.

The abstraction is called visibility. Each file can be public or private which maps to the corresponding filesystem rights.

The visibility can be changed with the help of the setVisibility method:

use ILIAS\Filesystem\Visibility;
 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$success = $webDataRoot->setVisibility('relative/path/to/file', Visibility::PRIVATE_ACCESS);

The file visibility can be fetched with the getVisibility method:

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$visibility = $webDataRoot->getVisibility('relative/path/to/file');

File streaming


Opens the stream of an existing file.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$fileStream = $webDataRoot->readStream('relative/path/to/file');

//do stuff on your stream 
$content = $fileStream->read(20);

//and close the stream after everything is done

Write Stream

Write the stream to a new file.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$fileStream = $webDataRoot->readStream('relative/path/to/file');

//seek at the end of the stream
$fileStream->seek($fileStream->getSize() - 1);
//append something

//write stream to another file
//the stream will automatically be closed after the operation 
$webDataRoot->writeStream('relative/path/to/another/file', $fileStream);


Create a new file or update an existing one. The content will be replaced with the stream content.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$fileStream = $webDataRoot->readStream('relative/path/to/file');

//seek at the end of the stream
$fileStream->seek($fileStream->getSize() - 1);
//append something

//write stream to another file
//the stream will automatically be closed after the operation 
$webDataRoot->putStream('relative/path/to/another/file', $fileStream);


Updates an existing file with the stream content. The old file content will be overwritten in the process.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$fileStream = $webDataRoot->readStream('relative/path/to/file');

//seek at the end of the stream
$fileStream->seek($fileStream->getSize() - 1);
//append something

//write stream to another file
//the stream will automatically be closed after the operation 
$webDataRoot->updateStream('relative/path/to/another/file', $fileStream);

Directory handling

Create Directory

Creates a new directory.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();

Copy Directory

Creates a recursive copy of the source directory.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$webDataRoot->copyDir("source/directory", "destination/directory");

Delete Directory

Deletes the entire directory with all children.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();

List Directory Content

List the directory content. The second argument is true then the directory listening will be recursive.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $webDataRoot
$webDataRoot = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$metadataArray = $webDataRoot->listContents("your/path/to/the/directory", true);
foreach ($metadataArray as $metadata) {
	echo "Data is located at " . $metadata->getPath() . " and is a " . $metadata->getType();

Cross Filesystem Operation

The cross filesystem operation such as copy a file from one filesystem to another one can be archived with the help of the stream interface.

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $temp
$temp = $DIC->filesystem()->temp();

 * @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$stream = $temp->readStream("source/file");
$web->writeStream("destination/file", $stream);

Stream creation

The Streams class delivers various stream creation methods.

from string

use ILIAS\Filesystem\Stream\Streams;

$stream = Streams::ofString("stream content");

//write stream to file ...

from resource

use ILIAS\Filesystem\Stream\Streams;

 * Please note that the fopen call is only used for demonstration purposes and must not be used to
 * create a stream from a string.
$resource = fopen('data://text/plain,HelloWorld', 'r');
$stream = Streams::ofResource($resource);

//write stream to file ...

from psr7 stream

use ILIAS\Filesystem\Stream\Streams;

global $DIC;

 * @var \ILIAS\HTTP\Services $http
$http = $DIC['http'];

//fetch http body stream
$stream = $http->request();

//convert the stream (body stream is detached afterwards!)
$stream = Streams::ofPsr7Stream($stream->getBody());

//write stream to file ...


For an easy access to files and directories a Finder is provided for each Filesystem given in the $DIC.

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

The finder offers multiple methods to find and list files and directories (recursively), using a bunch of optional filters and options for the sorting of the determined Metadata collection. The finder is completely immutable and provides a fluent interface.

The Finder instance itself is iterable. It implements the \IteratorAggregate interface and only operates on the filesystem (via the \ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem) when an iteration is triggered.

By default the finder ignores DOT and VCS files.

Please have a also look at the tests to see how it works.

Directory Filter


The only mandatory criterion is the location the finder should use for the search.

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files()->in(['/']) as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->files()->in(['/', 'dir_1/dir_1_1']) as $metadata) {


You can exclude directories from matching by calling exclude();

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files()->exclude(['dir_1/dir_1_1']) as $metadata) {

Metadata Types Filter

By default, the Finder iterates over both, files and directories. It provides methods to find only files, only directories or both (to reset the filter).

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files() as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->directories() as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->allTypes() as $metadata) {

Depth Filter

By default the Finder scans directories recursively. The depth of traversing through the \ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem can be restricted/limited with depth(). The depth starts at index 0 (root directory).

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files()->depth(0) as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->files()->depth('> 2')->depth('< 5') as $metadata) {

Date Filter

The search can be restricted to files with a certain 'last modified' date by calling date(). The following operators are supported: > (since), >=, < (until), <=, ==. The provided value MUST be parsable by strtotime().

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files()->date('since yesterday') as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->files()->date('< 2018-31-32') as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->files()->date('>= 2019-03-30 15:00 + 2hours') as $metadata) {

Size Filter

A restriction to files with a certain file size can be achieved by calling size(). The following operators are supported: : >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=. Please provide magnitudes of kilobytes (ki, k), megabytes (mi, m) or gigabytes (gi, g) as value.

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files()->size('> 1Mi') as $metadata) {


The found Metadata can be sorted by time (see: \ILIAS\Filesystem\Provider\FileReadAccess::getTimestamp), name or by type (1st directories, 2nd files). The sorting can also be reversed.

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

foreach ($finder->files()->sortByType() as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->files()->sortByName()->reverseSorting() as $metadata) {

foreach ($finder->files()->sortByTime() as $metadata) {

Furthermore you can provide a custom callback, accepting two Metadata instances as the only arguments. The callback must return -1, 0 or 1.

/** @var ILIAS\Filesystem\Filesystem $web */
$web = $DIC->filesystem()->web();
$finder = $web->finder();

$cb = function(Filesystem\DTO\Metadata $left, Filesystem\DTO\Metadata $right) : int {
    if ('dir_1/dir_1_1/file_5.cpp' === $left->getPath()) {
        return -1;

    return 1;

foreach ($finder->files()->sort($cb) as $metadata) {


  • Nicolas Schaefli - interface definition - d3r1w


We use SemVer for versioning.


  • keep a changelog The guide used to create and update the service changelog.
  • FlySystem Filesystem abstraction written by the php league.