CSC 321 Winter 2018 Intro to Neural Networks and Machine Learning
CS 598 LAZ: Cutting-Edge Trends in Deep Learning and Recognition
- Sách DL Ian Goodfellow
- Deep Learning Book Series · Introduction
Person/Vehicle/Object detection
- Free Anchor
Multiple Object Tracking
- Sort, DeepSort
Video object detection
Crowd counting
Person Re-identification
Unsupervised Image Classification
Image retrieval
Face Recognition
Video Summarization
Text detection
- Các kiến trúc mạng CNN
- Object Detection
- Face Recognition
- EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- CS224U: Natural Language Understanding
- CMU CS 11-747, Spring 2019 Neural Networks for NLP
Text Summarization
IE (Event extraction, relation extraction,...)
Semantic Role Labeling
Coreference Resolution
Semantic Textual Similarity
Sửa lỗi chính tả VN
Tensorflow basic
Tensorflow examples
Tensorflow advanced
ML/DL tips
Optimizer: Momentum, Adam,...
Dimension Reduction: manifold, tSNE, PCA
Clustering: k-mean, gmm, hierarchical
Tuning Hyper-Parameter
Batch Normalization, Dropout
Imbalanced Class problem
Topic model: LDA
CNN Architectures