— Hi, my name is Dima and I'm CTO
— (chorus) Hello, Dima
A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
- General
- Hiring
- Management
- Development process
- Architecture
- Technologies
- Startups
- Related stuff
- Product
- Marketing
- More links
- The Different CTO Roles - Werner Vogels (Amazon CTO)
- Is it required to be a developer to become a CTO? (Quora)
- Three Golden Rules to Finding a CTO
- Becoming a CTO
- VP Engineering vs CTO - Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures)
- What makes for a successful CEO and CTO relationship in a startup? (Quora)
- #define CTO - Greg Brockman (Stripe CTO)
- The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing - Joel Spolsky (StackOverflow co-founder)
- The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code - Joel Spolsky
- Why Can't Programmers.. Program? - Jeff Atwood (StackOverflow co-founder)
- We Hire the Best, Just Like Everyone Else - Jeff Atwood
- Engineering interview process at Stripe (Quora)
- Improving Our Engineering Interview Process (Foursquare)
- Hitting the High Notes - Joel Spolsky
- The mythical 10x programmer - Salvatore Sanfilippo (author of Redis)
- The Engineer/Manager Pendulum - Charity Majors
- Software Engineering at Google
- The Atlassian Team Playbook
- Valve Employee Handbook
- Basecamp Employee Handbook
- GitLab Team Handbook
- Google re:Work
- 44 Engineering Management Lessons
- The Secret To Discussing Pay With Employees
- Awesome Leading and Managing (Github)
- Progressing from tech to leadership
- Scrum / Agile
- CI / CD
- Git
- Planning
- Evidence Based Scheduling - Joel Spolsky (StackOverflow co-founder)
- [Book] The Mythical Man-Month
- Crisis
- How to Write a Postmortem
- List of Post-mortems (GitHub)
- Startup Lessons Learned - Five Whys (Eric Ries, creator of the Lean Startup)
- Twelve-Factor App
- Reactive Manifesto
- Microservices – Please, don’t (also: HackerNews discussion)
- The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018
- Shrinking microservices to functions
- Design patterns for microservices
- Serverless architecture (Quora)
- NoSQL Databases: a Survey and Decision Guidance
- Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API
- 10 Modern Software Over-Engineering Mistakes
- How I Write Tests
- Lambda Architecture
- Evolutionary Database Design (Martin Fowler)
- Database Migrations Done Right
- Awesome Scalability
- General
- Javascript
- Machine Learning
- Awesome Machine Learning (GitHub)
- Best resources of everyday ML learning (Quora)
- Big scale
- Security
- Cloud
- What are the things startups have to get right? (Quora)
- 85 Things I learned being a CEO
- What’s the Second Job of a Startup CEO?
- Things I will tell my kids if they become entrepreneurs
- What do VCs really look for when making investments? (Quora)
- What would a CTO equity be for a small startup? (Quora)
- As an employee of a startup, how do you know when to quit? (Quora)
- Pitch deck collection from VC funded startups
- YC’s Series A Diligence Checklist
- Knowledge-Sharing Architects As An Alternative to Coding Architects
- Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer (also: HackerNews discussion)
- What are best practices of experienced programmers? (Quora)
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names
- 2016 European Software Development Salary Survey (O'Reilly)
- DevOps: Bringing development and operations together (Atlassian)
- DataOps
- How to Prepare a Talk
- What Makes a Great Product Manager
- If You Don’t Think You Need a VP of Product...
- Red Oceans: How to Find Profitable Startup Ideas
- Awesome Falsehood (GitHub)
- Engineering blogs (GitHub)
- Awesome Awesomeness (GitHub)
- Awesome.re (GitHub)
- Chief Technology Officer vs Coder Thinker Organizer (GitHub)
- Socal CTO
- Curated list of CTO resources (GitHub)