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Sequencing side-effects in JAX

sharadmv@ May 9 2022


When we write JAX code, we can usually pretend we're writing single-threaded, eagerly-executed Python even though underneath the hood, JAX and its runtime may execute it asynchronously in the background. As long as we write pure (side-effect-free) code, these performance optimizations are usually invisible to us and don't interfere with our single-threaded mental model. Asynchronous execution is great -- we get performant, parallel code without having to think about it at all!

However, in the presence of side-effects, the illusion begins to break down and the cracks in our mental model start to show. Specifically, these differences show up when we think about the order in which side-effects happen.

In this design note, we explore the interaction between JAX's execution model, and the ordering of side-effects. We also provide a way of enforcing a "single-threaded" ordering of effects.


When we write the following Python code

def f():
  return 2
def g():
  return 3

we expect "hello" to be printed before "world". This might seem obvious but consider the following JAX code:

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 0>)
def f():
  return 2

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 1>)
def g():
  return 3

In many cases, JAX will execute f and g in parallel, dispatching the computations onto different threads -- g might actually be executed before f. Parallel execution is a nice performance optimization, especially if copying to and from a device is expensive (see the asynchronous dispatch note for more details). In practice, however, we often don't need to think about asynchronous dispatch because we're writing pure functions and only care about the inputs and outputs of functions -- we'll naturally block on future values.

However, now imagine that we have a jax.print function that works inside of JIT-ted JAX functions (host_callback.id_print is an example of this). Let's return to the previous example except with prints in the mix.

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 0>)
def f():
  return 2

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 1>)
def g():
  return 3

Thanks to asynchronous dispatch, we could actually see "world" being printed before "hello". The reordering of the print side-effects breaks the illusion of a single-threaded execution model.

Another example of where side-effects can "reveal" out-of-order execution is when we compile JAX programs. Consider the following JAX code:

def f(x):
  return x

Even though in Python, we've written the "hello" print before the "world" print, a compiler like XLA is free to reorder them because there's no explicit data-dependence between the prints.


We'd like to support "ordered" effects. When we say ordered, we mean that the effects occur in the same order as we would if we were executing a single-threaded Python program. This is our main desideratum. In the presence of explicit parallelism like pmap or user threads, we don't need to maintain this behavior but at least if the user is not explicitly requesting parallelism, we'd like to preserve a single-threaded ordering.

Before we dive in more, let's first step back and ask ourselves if it is okay if we reorder effects in the name of performance, and conversely, do we need to enforce an ordering on effects at all? In some cases, we don't need ordering. Maybe some side-effects shouldn't adversely affect the performance of a JAX program. However, for other side-effects, we may want to enforce a single-threaded program order so users don't get counterintuitive behavior. Consider a logging effect.

def f(x, y):
f(1, 2)

If log is mutating a global list, we might expect that we add x before adding y. For a more strict effect, we may want the option to order the effects.

Enforcing ordered effects

The main tool we have to enforce the ordering of computations is data-dependence. Simply put, if a function g has an input that is the output of a function f, f must be executed before g.

However, we may have side effects like prints that have no inputs at all so naively we couldn't sequence them. We thus use tokens as a means of injecting artificial data-dependence into a computation.

What is a token? A token is just a dummy value that can be threaded in and out of a computation. By threading the same token in and out and several computations, we enforce that they have to happen in a certain order. Let's take the previous print example and see what it would look like with tokens in the mix:

def f(token, x):
  token = jax.print(token, "hello")
  token = jax.print(token, "world")
  return token, x

If we rewrite jax.print to take in and return a token, we have now sequenced the two prints since the input to the second print depends on the output of the first print. The actual value of token can be anything really, but we'll see in practice that the tokens are invisible to users.

Runtime tokens vs. compiler tokens

Here we will actually start talking about implementation details. In practice, we'll need two separate types of tokens to sequence effects: one for each of the aforementioned sources of reordering. We'll need runtime tokens to sequence asynchronously dispatched side-effecting computations and we'll need compiler tokens to sequence effects within computations.

In practice, our computation will be rewritten to look like this:

def f(runtime_token, x):
  compiler_token = new_compiler_token()
  compiler_token = jax.print(compiler_token, "hello")
  compiler_token = jax.print(compiler_token, "world")
  return runtime_token, x

Notice how the runtime tokens are only used at the JIT boundary and the compiler tokens are only within the compiled code. Compiler tokens are created during "lowering" (we convert Python code to a lower level representation like HLO or StableHLO) but runtime tokens need to be managed in Python since they're being threaded in and out of JIT-ted functions.

Furthermore, notice that the runtime tokens are "disconnected" from the compiler tokens meaning there's no data dependency between them. This could potentially be dangerous as if we will lose the data dependence between the bodies of two dispatched function calls. However, if we assume "strict execution" -- i.e. a dispatched function will only start execution when all of its inputs are ready and all of it outputs will become ready at the same time -- we are safe to create a fresh compiler token and return a non-output-dependent runtime token.

Managing runtime tokens

To manage runtime tokens on behalf of the user, we'll need to hook into JAX's dispatch machinery. Whenever we call a JIT-ted function, we eventually bottom out in a function that looks like this:

def _execute(compiled_computation, *args):
  outputs = compiled_computation.execute(*args)
  return outputs

At this point we need to "inject" the runtime tokens into the computation and "extract" them from the computation's outputs:

def _execute(compiled_computation, *args):
  runtime_token = get_runtime_token() # Grab global token
  runtime_token, *outputs = compiled_computation.execute(runtime_token, *args)
  update_runtime_token(runtime_token) # Update global token
  return outputs

What is runtime_token exactly? Well we need to be able to pass it into a compiled_computation, which means it needs to be some sort of array (for now, since there's no shared token representation inside and outside compiled JAX code). In practice we can use a (0,)-shaped array to minimize overheads.

We also need to think about the multiple device use case, e.g. the first example where we first call a JIT-ted function on device 0 and then one on device 1. In that case, we need to also copy the runtime token returned from the first computation (which lives on device 0) to device 1 so we can pass it into the second computation. If two subsequent computations share the same device, this copy is not necessary.

Adding compiler tokens

When we lower Python code to HLO or StableHLO we need to create a token at the start of the computation and ensure they are available when we have side-effecting computations that need to be ordered. The side-effecting computations will take the token as input and return it as an output.

The implementation of this token threading involves upgrading the JAX lowering machinery to do this bookkeeping automatically. The main challenges involve dealing with higher-order primitives like call primitives and control-flow primitives. We won't go into details on how to handle those in this design note.

Blocking on output tokens

Adding support for runtime and compiler tokens for side-effecting computations is important for sequencing but there's also another subtle use-case for tokens, which is blocking on side-effecting computations. Even if we don't want a side-effecting computation to be ordered we may still want to wait on its completion. Currently we have jax.block_until_ready, which waits until a future value has its result ready. However, with side-effecting computations, we may have functions that don't have a return value but are still executing a side-effect. Take the simple example here:

def f():
  jax.print("hello world")
f() # Executed asynchronously

This compiled computation takes no explicit inputs and has no explicit outputs. If it was an ordered print effect, we could block on the returned runtime token, However, when this is an unordered computation we don't do any token threading. How do we wait for f() to finish executing when we have no output value to call block_until_ready on? Well, we could apply our same token strategy except we only return runtime tokens and don't take them as inputs. This will give us a value to block on that will only be ready once f() is done being executed. We'll call these tokens output tokens. We end up with a function that looks like this:

def f():
  jax.print("hello world")
  return new_runtime_token()
f() # Executed asynchronously

Underneath the hood, we'll manage the output tokens in the same way we manage the runtime tokens but provide a method for users to block on the current set of output tokens. Unlike runtime tokens, output tokens need to be device-specific. Consider a single device use-case:

def f():

def g():


Since f() and g() are executed on the same device, blocking on g()'s output token effectively blocks on f() since (as of now!), the JAX runtime does not interleave computations executed on the same device. We'll have to revise this entire design if that changes, of course.

However, consider the two device use-case:

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 0>)
def f():

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 1>)
def g():


Here we don't want to explicitly sequence f() and g() but want to wait for both of them to finish. We'll need one output token for f() and one for g() and we'll block on both of those tokens:

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 0>)
def f():
  return new_runtime_token()

@partial(jax.jit, device=<device 1>)
def g():
  return new_runtime_token()

t0 = f()
t1 = g()
block_until_ready((t0, t1))

We'll thus need a per-device output token so we can avoid sequencing computations on different devices while offering the ability to block on side-effecting computations. We end up with the following (approximate) change to the JAX dispatch machinery:

def _execute(compiled_computation, *args):
  output_token, *outputs = compiled_computation.execute(runtime_token, *args)
  update_output_token(output_token, compiled_computation.device)
  return outputs

We'll also need to expose a function to that blocks on the output token:

def effects_barrier():

Note that blocking on output tokens may not be fairly common since most JAX computations will return a value to block on. However, output tokens are helpful for testing and profiling, and are good to support so that we have a consistent and cohesive effect system.

Some more details

  • All of the aforementioned token management infrastructure will be thread-local. This means that each user thread will have their own independent stream of runtime tokens. Sequencing is only promised at a user thread level.
  • In practice, we have one runtime token per effect. Different instances of that effect will be sequenced. This is to avoid sequencing effectul computations that may not have any relation to each other. Technically this goes against our original goal though of enforcing a single-threaded Python program ordering, but this is a tradeoff that could be modulated by having both "effect"-specific tokens and "global" tokens.