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Scorebot CLI server & Beacon server

Created Tuesday 28 November 2017



CLI server

Config setup

	"url" : "<scorebot api url>",
	"key" : "<scorebot api access key>",
	"port": <listening port(has to be and integer)>,
	"host": "<listening address>",
	"mode": "<default or binjitsu>",
	"logtype": "<file or rsyslog>",
	"rsyslog": "<ip address:port>"


The cli server is the main way for players to interact with scorebot. It allows players to submit flag, register a beacon token, and open ports on the beacon server for beaconing. The cli server can run in two modes "default" and "binjitsu". The only difference between the two modes is that binjitus will display submit instructions for both bluecell and redcell.

Run cli server

python --config config.json

Interacting with cli server

You can connect to the cli server using netcat or other similar tools. nc

When you connect to the cli server you will see the following:


Submitting flags

Flags are pieces of data that you will find during the game. To submit a flag connect to scorebot using netcat and at the "REQ>" prompt type, flag:<your_token>,. If you are an offensive team in the game you will be provided a team token at the start of the game. Here is an example of a successfull flag submission: asciicast

Register for a beacon token

In order to send a beacon to the beacon server you need to first register for a beacon token. To register a beacon token connect to scorebot using netcat and at the "REQ>" prompt type, register:<your_nickname>,<your_team_token>. Here is an example of a successfull beacon token request: asciicast

Request a port to beacon to

Now that you have your beacon token your next step is to ask the cli server to open a port on the beacon server. Once you do this you can talk to the beacon server on the opened port to send your beacons. To request a beacon port connect to scorebot using netcat and at the "REQ>" prompt type, beacon:<team_token>,. Here is an example of a successfull beacon port request. asciicast

Beacon server

Config setup

  "api": "<scorebot api url>",
  "key": "<scorebot api access key>"
  "logtype": "<file or rsyslog>",
  "rsyslog": "<ip address:port>"


The beacon server is used a way for an attacker to let scorebot know that they can execute code on a compromised host. The attacker can do this by connecting to the beacon server on one of the opened ports and sending the beacon token they recieved when they registered with cli server.

Run beacon server

python --config beaconcfg.json

Interacting with beacon server

You can connect to the cli server using netcat or other similar tools. nc

Sending a beacon

Send a beacon is as simple as connecting to the beacon server using netcat and sending the beacon you recieved from the cli server. Here is an example of send a beacon: asciicast