Overview | Configuration | Implementation | Discussion |
GDCN is a CTR prediction model that learns explicit and bounded-degree cross features. The model is published in the following paper:
Key components:
CrossNet: The component provides explicit feature crossing with bounded degree.
Dynamic embedding size: It provides a formula to compute the embedding size of each feature field.
The model_config.yaml
file contains all the model hyper-parameters as follows.
Params | Type | Default | Description |
model | str | "DCN" | model name, which should be same with model class name |
dataset_id | str | "TBD" | dataset_id to be determined |
loss | str | "binary_crossentropy" | loss function |
metrics | list | ['logloss', 'AUC'] | a list of metrics for evaluation |
task | str | "binary_classification" | task type supported: "regression" , "binary_classification" |
optimizer | str | "adam" | optimizer used for training |
learning_rate | float | 1.0e-3 | learning rate |
embedding_regularizer | float/str | 0 | regularization weight for embedding matrix: L2 regularization is applied by default. Other optional examples: "l2(1.e-3)" , "l1(1.e-3)" , "l1_l2(1.e-3, 1.e-3)" . |
net_regularizer | float/str | 0 | regularization weight for network parameters: L2 regularization is applied by default. Other optional examples: "l2(1.e-3)" , "l1(1.e-3)" , "l1_l2(1.e-3, 1.e-3)" . |
batch_size | int | 10000 | batch size, usually a large number for CTR prediction task |
embedding_dim | int | 32 | embedding dimension of features. Note that field-wise embedding_dim can be specified in feature_specs . |
dnn_hidden_units | list | [1024, 512, 256] | hidden units in DNN |
dnn_activations | str/list | "relu" | activation function in DNN. Particularly, layer-wise activations can be specified as a list, e.g., ["relu", "leakyrelu", "sigmoid"] |
num_cross_layers | int | 3 | number of cross layers in CrossNet |
net_dropout | float | 0 | dropout rate in DNN |
batch_norm | bool | False | whether using BN in DNN |
epochs | int | 100 | the max number of epochs for training, which can early stop via monitor metrics. |
shuffle | bool | True | whether shuffle the data samples for each epoch of training |
seed | int | 20222023 | the random seed used for reproducibility |
monitor | str/dict | {'AUC': 1, 'logloss': -1} | the monitor metrics for early stopping. It supports a single metric, e.g., "AUC" . It also supports multiple metrics using a dict, e.g., {"AUC": 2, "logloss": -1} means 2*AUC - logloss . |
monitor_mode | str | 'max' | "max" means that the higher the better, while "min" denotes that the lower the better. |
model_root | str | './checkpoints/' | the dir to save model checkpoints and running logs |
num_workers | int | 3 | the number of workers for data loader |
verbose | int | 1 | 0 for salience while 1 for verbose logging with tqdm |
early_stop_patience | int | 2 | training is stopped when monitor metric fails to become better for early_stop_patience=2 consective evaluation intervals. |
pickle_feature_encoder | bool | True | whether to pickle the feature encoder during preprocessing. It is used when input data_format="csv" . |
save_best_only | bool | True | whether to save the best model checkpoint only |
eval_steps | int/None | None | evaluate the model on validation data every eval_steps . By default, None means evaluation every epoch. |
debug_mode | bool | False | used for code testing. When setting it to True , the experiment_id will be randomly generated to avoid interleaving when running multiple processes for parameter tunning by run_param_tuner.py . |
group_id | None (optional) | None | required for metrics like gAUC , NDCG . |
use_features | None (optional) | None | used for feature selection, i.e., only selecting an ordered subset of features as model input |
feature_specs | dict (optional) | None | used for specifying field-wise configurations, such as embedding_dim , feature_encoder for a specific field. |
Code structure:
├── config # 配置文件夹
│ ├── dataset_config.yaml # 数据集配置文件
│ └── model_config.yaml # 模型配置文件
├── src # 模型代码文件夹
│ └── GDCN.py # 模型代码
├── fuxictr_version.py # fuxictr加载及版本检查文件
├── README.md # 使用说明
├── requirements.txt # 依赖文件
└── run_expid.py # 执行脚本文件
The model is tested with the following dependencies.
Get started:
Running the model on the tiny data:
python run_expid.py --expid GDCNP_test --gpu 0