Redis protocol parser and client writent in dart language
It is designed to be both fast and simple to use.
- transactions wrapper for executing multiple commands in atomic way
- pubsub helper with aditional internal dispatching
- unicode - strings are UTF8 encoded when sending and decoded when received
- performance - this counts as feature too
- raw commands - this enables sending any command as raw data :)
Redis protocol is composition of array, strings(and bulk) and integers.
For example executing command SET key value
is no more that serializing
array of strings ["SET","key","value"]
. Commands can be executed by
Future f = command.send_object(["SET","key","value"]);
This enables sending any command. Before sending commands one need to open connection to redis. I will assume that you are running redis server localy on port 6379. In this example we will open connecton, execute command 'SET key 0' and then print result.
import 'package:redis/redis.dart';
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
command.send_object(["SET","key","0"]).then((var response)
Due to simple implementation it is possible to execute command on different ways. One an most straightforward way is one after another
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
.then((var response){
assert(response == 'OK');
return command.send_object(["INCR","key"]);
.then((var response){
assert(response == 1);
return command.send_object(["INCR","key"]);
.then((var response){
assert(response == 2);
return command.send_object(["INCR","key"]);
.then((var response){
assert(response == 3);
return command.send_object(["GET","key"]);
.then((var response){
return print(response); // 3
Other possibility is to execute commands one by one without waiting for previous
command to complete. We can send all commands without need to wait for
result and we can be still sure, that response handled by Future
will be
completed in correct order.
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
.then((var response){
assert(response == 'OK');
.then((var response){
assert(response == 1);
.then((var response){
assert(response == 2);
.then((var response){
assert(response == 3);
.then((var response){
print(response); // 3
Difference is that there are 5 commands in last examples and only one on previous example.
Tested on laptop can execute and process 130K INCR operations per second.
This is code that yields such result
const int N = 200000;
int start;
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
print("test started, please wait ...");
start = new;
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){
if(i != v)
throw("wrong received value, we got $v");
//last command will be executed and then processed last
double diff = (new - start)/1000.0;
double perf = N/diff;
print("$N operations done in $diff s\nperformance $perf/s");
We are not just sending 200K commands here, but also checking result of every send command.
Using command.pipe_start();
and command.pipe_end();
is nothing more
that enabling and disabling Nagle's algorhitm
on socket. By default it is disabled to achieve shortest possible latency at expense
of having more TCP packets and extra overhead. Enabling Nagle's algorithm
during transactions can achieve greater data throughput and less overhead.
Transactions by redis protocol
are started by command MULTI and then completed with command EXEC.
, .exec()
and class Transaction
are implemented as
additional helpers for checking result of each command executed during transaction.
Future<Transaction> Command.multi();
Executing multi()
will return Future with Transaction
. This class should be used
to execute commands by calling .send_object
. It returns Future that
is called after calling .exec()
import 'package:redis/redis.dart';
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
conn.connect('localhost',6379).then((Command command){
command.multi().then((Transaction trans){
for(int i=0;i<200000;++i){
print("number is now $v");
It is not possible to write code that depends on result of previous command during transaction. In such cases user should employ technique as described
By default UTF8 encoding/decoding for string is used. Each string is converted in binary array using UTF8 encoding. This makes ascii string compatible in both direction.
PubSub is helper for dispatching received messages.
First, create new PubSubCommand
from existing Command
PubSubCommand pubsub=new PubSubCommand(command);
Once PubSubCommand
is created, old Command
is invalidated and should not be used
on same connection. PubSubCommand
allows commands
void subscribe(List<String> channels)
void psubscribe(List<String> channels)
void unsubscribe(List<String> channels)
void punsubscribe(List<String> channels)
and additional Stream getStream([String pattern = "*"])
returns Stream
that sends streams according to optionally provided pattern
Unlike Redis rich pattern matching, this pattern allows only for optional *
at the end of string.
Example for receiving and printing all messages
print("message: $message");
Here is complete example from test code.
import 'package:redis/redis.dart';
RedisConnection conn1 = new RedisConnection();
RedisConnection conn2 = new RedisConnection();
Command command; //on conn1
PubSubCommand pubsub; //on conn2
.then((Command cmd){
command = cmd;
return conn2.connect('localhost',6379);
.then((Command cmd){
pubsub=new PubSubCommand(cmd);
print("Message for \"*\" - msg: $msg");
print("Message for \"a*\" - msg: $msg");
Output is
Message for "*" - msg: [pmessage, a*, aaa, aa]
Message for "a*" - msg: [pmessage, a*, aaa, aa]
Message for "*" - msg: [pmessage, *, aaa, aa]
Message for "a*" - msg: [pmessage, *, aaa, aa]
Message for "*" - msg: [pmessage, b*, bbb, bb]
Message for "*" - msg: [pmessage, *, bbb, bb]
Message for "*" - msg: [pmessage, *, ccc, cc]
In near future:
- Better documentation
- Implement all "generic commands" with named commands
- Better error handling - that is ability to recover from error
- Spell check code
- Command raise error if used during transaction.
- PubSub interface is made simpler but backward incompatible :(
- README is updated