RubyWatchman is a gem that implements the Watchman binary protocol. It is implemented in C for speed, and is much faster than talking to Watchman using the JSON protocol.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ruby-watchman'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ruby-watchman
This example shows:
- Asking a running Watchman process for its local socket
- Checking with Watchman whether a given path (in this case the current working directory) is being watched
- Adding the path to the watch list if necessary
- Asking Watchman for the names of all files in the watch (files which exist, or have existed since watching started), then printing them
require 'ruby-watchman'
require 'socket'
require 'pathname'
sockname = RubyWatchman.load(
%x{watchman --output-encoding=bser get-sockname}
raise unless $? do |socket|
root ='.').realpath.to_s
roots = RubyWatchman.query(['watch-list'], socket)['roots']
if !roots.include?(root)
# this path isn't being watched yet; try to set up watch
result = RubyWatchman.query(['watch', root], socket)
# root_restrict_files setting may prevent Watchman from working
raise if result.has_key?('error')
query = ['query', root, {
'expression' => ['type', 'f'],
'fields' => ['name'],
paths = RubyWatchman.query(query, socket)
# could return error if watch is removed
raise if paths.has_key?('error')
p paths['files']