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We use the handy theme just the docs for our more extensive documentation, and host it on github pages here. Anything about the framework that can't be covered in our short-and-sweet README should find a home in these docs.

Local Development

  1. Check if you have ruby installed, ruby -v. If not, install it.
  2. cd docs/ if you're not already there.
  3. bundle install
  4. bundle exec jekyll serve --trace --livereload
  5. Visit for a local version of the site

The local version should update anytime you save changes to the site files.

Basic Style Guidelines

  • Please use folders for top-level categories, even if they only include a single file. This helps keep pages a bit more organized.
  • Chainlink should be capitalized when possible, unless following a programming languages capitalization conventions in a code sample.
  • Try using Grammarly or a similar service for spell-check and clarity suggestions.

Custom CSS

Custom CSS can be found and added to in the custom.scss file.


You can add note <divs> with some borders to make text standout as warnings, asides, or general info you'd like to draw extra attention to.

note example

<!-- Use for general info or tips -->
<div class="note note-blue">
This is a note!

<!-- Use for light warnings -->
<div class="note note-yellow">
This is a note!

<!-- Use for happy news (like recent updates: "you used to need to do 3 things, but now it's 1") -->
<div class="note note-green">
This is a note!

<!-- Use for acknowledged shortcomings and possible feature updates (e.x.: this is a bit laborious, but we're working on a fix) -->
<div class="note note-purple">
This is a note!

<!-- Use for warnings, or possible pitfalls  -->
<div class="note note-red">
This is a note!