In the use of redux
or dva
projects, we often write functions like the following service
layer to make the code structure clearer, but it is easy to see that we will write a lot of similar code in antd [email protected]
, using the more concise configuration method to achieve the same function.
Export async function login(data) {
Return request({
Url: '/api/v1/user/login',
Method: 'post',
In the src/services/api.js
file, you will see the following configuration object, the object's key is used to call the function name, the object's value is the requested url
, the default request method is GET
, The format of the value of the other request mode object is 'method url'
Export default {
queryUser: '/user/:id',
queryUserList: '/users',
updateUser: 'Patch /user/:id',
createUser: 'POST /user/:id',
removeUser: 'DELETE /user/:id',
removeUserList: 'POST /users/delete',
Used in other files
Import { queryUser } from 'api'
// in the general file
queryUser(option).then(data => console.log(data))
/ / Model file
Yield call(queryUser, option)
Refer to the src/services/index.js
file to traverse the api configuration. Each property returns the corresponding encapsulated request function.
Import request from 'utils/request'
Import { apiPrefix } from 'utils/config'
Import api from './api'
Const gen = params => {
Let url = apiPrefix + params
Let method = 'GET'
Const paramsArray = params.split(' ')
If (paramsArray.length === 2) {
Method = paramsArray[0]
Url = apiPrefix + paramsArray[1]
Return function(data) {
Return request({
Const APIFunction = {}
For (const key in api) {
APIFunction[key] = gen(api[key])
Module.exports = APIFunction