|ab| Documentation
|ab| is an open-source networking library for C++ created by the Autobahn project that implements the Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) for creating C++ components communicating with a WAMP router via Unix pipes.
WAMP is ideal for distributed, multi-client and server applications, such as multi-user database-drive business applications, sensor networks (IoT), instant messaging or MMOGs (massively multi-player online games) .
WAMP enables application architectures with application code distributed freely across processes and devices according to functional aspects. Since WAMP implementations exist for multiple languages, WAMP applications can be polyglott. Application components can be implemented in a language and run on a device which best fit the particular use case.
To enable this, WAMP implements both the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and and the Publish and Subscribe (PubSub) messaging pattern. WAMP is open source, as is |ab| (Apache 2.0 license).
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: gettingstarted examples reference table_of_contents