This demo application converts txt file to jsonl file.
- Min. java 8
- Maven 3.5.x
- Run mvn package in root of project(After checkout of project)
- Running application/jar requires configuring below variable
- Go to target folder and execute below command with filepath and file name for I/O java -DinputFilePath=E:\wks\file-converter\files -DinputFileName="DSV input 1.txt" -DoutputFilePath=E:\wks\file-converter\files -DoutputFileName="DSV outPut.jsonl" -jar file-converter-1.0-SNAPSHOT-spring-boot.jar
- File would be generated in respective specified path
- Configure "-D" variables and execute bat file present in root of project
- File would be generated in respective specified path
- File would be taken from the root where jar is present, so create/paste input file in root and Output would be generated with default name.
- inputFilePath=input file path
- inputFileName=input file name
- outputFilePath=output file path
- outputFileName= output file name/ if not specified then it would generate with default name i.e DSV output_<TIMESTAMO_AUTOGENERATED>.jsonl
- dateOfBirth= default to dateOfBirth, date header in file, if in future name is different then it can be configured