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Parser and reward calculator for joined binary schema v2 files

File format

The file format constitute of a sequence of messages writen one after the other. All messages have the same format:

  • 4 bytes - message type
  • 4 bytes - payload size or inline payload.
  • bytes - payload content (optional)
  • padding bytes - size % 8 bytes to ensure message alignment (optional)

The size of all message must be aligned to 8 bytes. Paddings bytes are inserted at the end and should not be included in the payload size. Padding bytes should be zero but is not enforced.

Message types

Each message has an unique indentifier, those are the ones currently recognized:

  • MSG_TYPE_FILEMAGIC = 0x42465756 //'VWFB'
  • MSG_TYPE_HEADER = 0x55555555
  • MSG_TYPE_CHECKPOINT = 0x11111111

Message payloads

For all flatbuffer payloads see rlclientlib/schema/v2

File Magic message

The payload is inline and it's the file format version.

The only value accepted is 1.

This message should be the first on a file, making it easy to recognize files following its format by their 4 bytes watermark.

Header message

Payload is a flatbuffer message of type FileHeader (see FileFormat.fbs) .

This message contains informational data about this file. It should include provenance details such as how it was generated, the version and parameters of the program used, generation time and other information that helps troubleshooting.

Checkpoint message

Payload is a flatbuffer message of type CheckpointInfo (see FileFormat.fbs).

This message includes information on how to join events comming after it. Checkpoint messages are the recomended point to split larger files at as they contain all info required to process the stream that follows them.

Regular message

Payload is a flatbuffer message of type JoinedPayload (see FileFormat.fbs).

This message include multiple events, sharing one or more event-ids that should be processed together.

Recomended message ordering

The recomended ordering of messages in a file is the following:

  • 1 file magic message
  • 1 file header message N times:
  • 1 checkpoint message
  • M regular messages


Build Linux

Note: To statically link set -DSTATIC_LINK_BINARY_PARSER=ON during cmake

from external_parser:

  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make -j $(nproc)

vw executable located at: external_parser/build/vw


./vw -d <file> --binary_parser [other vw args]


cmake build for windows


Note: to link statically then replace x64-windows with x64-windows-static-md during vcpkg installation and in the cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET

Note: vcpkg doesn't play well with nugets in visual studio so if you are trying to build something else in visual studio that uses the below via nugets you might get linking errors

  • vcpkg install boost-filesystem:x64-windows
  • vcpkg install boost-thread:x64-windows
  • vcpkg install boost-program-options:x64-windows
  • vcpkg install boost-test:x64-windows
  • vcpkg install flatbuffers:x64-windows


from external_parser (replace Release with Debug if you want a debug build):

  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • <MSBUILD_PATH> /verbosity:normal /m /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 vw_binary_parser.sln

vw_binary_parser.sln will be available under build and can be used to open the solution in visual studio

vw executable located at: external_parser\build\Release\vw.exe


.\Release\vw.exe -d <file> --binary_parser [other vw args]