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README (English)
Building packages

All sub-directories of "build" directory contains files (setup or binary tools) required to build automatically Dolibarr packages.
There are several tools:

- To build full Dolibarr packages, launch the script
> Launch command perl

Note: Prerequisites to build tgz, debian, rpm package
> apt-get install tar dpkg dpatch p7zip-full rpm zip

Note: Prerequisites to build autoexe DoliWamp package:
> apt-get install wine q4wine
> Launch "wine cmd" to check a drive Z: pointing to / exists.
> Install InnoSetup
   For example by running isetup-5.3.9.exe (
> Install WampServer into "C:\Program Files\Wamp"
   For example by running wampserver2.5-Apache-2.4.9-Mysql-5.6.17-php5.5.12-32b.exe (
> Install WampServer addon to have versions: Mysql5.0.45
   For example by running WampServer2-MYSQL5045.exe (
> To build from Windows (running from script is however
  recommanded), open file build/exe/doliwamp.iss and click on button "Compile".
  The .exe file will be build into directory build.
> Add path to ISCC into PATH windows var:
  Launch wine cmd, then regedit and add entry int HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PATH
- To build a theme package, launch the script
> perl

- To build a package for a module, launch the script
> perl

- To build developper documentation, launch the script
> perl

The build directory and all its contents is absolutely not required to make
Dolibarr working. It is here only to build Dolibarr packages, and those
generated packages will not contains this "build" directory.

You can find in "build", following sub-directories:

* composer
To test an upgrade of a lib.

* debian
To build Debian package.

* dmg:
To build Mac OS package (not ready yet).

* doap:
To build Doap descriptor to promote/describe Dolibarr releases.

* doxygen:
Dir with config file to build doxygen documentation.

* exe:
To build exe package for Windows that distribute Dolibarr sources or
to build the complete DoliWamp package.

* launchpad:
Doc file to explain how to use launchpad.

* live:
Doc file to explain how to create a demo live CD.

* obs:
Doc file to explain how to push release onto OBS.

* pad:
To build a PAD file descriptor to promote/describe Dolibarr releases.

* patch:
Script file to generate a patch file to distribute a Dolibarr mod.

* perl:
Tool to install dolibarr when using virtualmin pro

* rpm:
To build Redhat, Opensuse or Mandriva package.

* tgz:
To build a tgz package.

* zip:
To build a zip package.