This directory contains code for the paper "Hierarchical Foresight: Self-Supervised Learning of Long-Horizon Tasks via Visual Subgoal Generation" Suraj Nair, Chelsea Finn
From the google_research directory, run:
virtualenv -p python3.6 hvf
source hvf/bin/activate
pip install -r hierarchical_foresight/requirements.txt
Run python -m hierarchical_foresight.generate_data --savepath=SAVEPATH
Train a video prediction model using the open source tensor2tensor library.
Run git clone
and follow instructions
under "Adding a Dataset".
Once you have a trained model on your problem, modify hierarchical_foresight/env/
to use your model/problem.
Train the conditional variation autoencoder
python -m hierarchical_foresight.train_vae --datapath=DATAPATH --savedir=SAVEDIR
Train the temporal distance cost function
python -m hierarchical_foresight.train_tdm --datapath=DATAPATH --savedir=SAVEDIR
Train the time agnostic prediction baseline
python -m hierarchical_foresight.train_tap --datapath=DATAPATH --savedir=SAVEDIR
python -m hierarchical_foresight.meta_cem --difficulty=m --cost=pixel --numsg=1 --horizon=50 --gt_goals=1 --phorizon=15 --envtype=maze --vaedir=VAEDIR --tdmdir=TDMDIR --tapdir=TAPDIR