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Correcting for Batch Effects Using Wasserstein Distance

This directory contains reference code for the paper Correcting for Batch Effects Using Wasserstein Distance.

The code is implemented in Tensorflow and the required packages are listed in requirements.txt.


The datasets are two different types of embeddings derived from the raw image dataset: They are CellProfiler embeddings and deep neural network embeddings.

CellProfiler Embeddings

The original CellProfiler embeddings were downloaded from as csv files.

To convert it into a dataframe and save it as an h5 file:

python -m correct_batch_effects_wdn.ljosa_embeddings_to_h5 \

The h5 file would be saved at


We follow the paper to preprocess the CellProfiler embeddings:

python -m correct_batch_effects_wdn.ljosa_preprocessing \
--original_df=${LJOSA_DATA_DIRECTORY}/ljosa_embeddings_462.h5 \
--post_normalization_path=${LJOSA_DATA_DIRECTORY}/ljosa_embeddings_post_normalized.h5 \

This would generate two h5 files. The first file is at


where each dimension of the embeddings has been normalized by percentile matching.

The second file is at


where the post-normalized embeddings have been projected to embeddings with dimension 50 by factor analysis.

Deep Neural Network Embeddings

Deep neural network embeddings are obtained by running a pipeline on the raw image dataset. In the pipeline, the raw images are corrected for imaging artifacts, cell patches are obtained by cell center finding, and a pre-trained deep neural network is applied to the patch images to obtain embeddings. Each embedding is of dimension 192, with 64 dimensions for each of the three stains. More details can be found in the paper Due to the proprietary reason, the code and generated embeddings cannot be open sourced here. Readers who are interested in testing the code can instead use the feature vectors generated from inception_v3 on TensorFlow Hub.

Model Training

A Wasserstein distance network is trained to correct for batch effects.

CellProfiler Embeddings

python -m correct_batch_effects_wdn.forgetting_nuisance \
--network_type=WassersteinNetwork \
--input_df="${LJOSA_DATA_DIRECTORY}/ljosa_embeddings_post_fa.h5" \
--num_steps_pretrain=100000 \
--num_steps=5000 \
--save_dir="${SAVE_DIR}/ljosa_embeddings_post_fa" \
--disc_steps_per_training_step=50 \
--checkpoint_interval=2000 \
--nuisance_levels=batch \
--batch_n=100 \
--target_levels=compound \
--feature_dim=50 \
--layer_width=2 \
--num_layers=2 \

Deep Neural Network Embeddings

python -m correct_batch_effects_wdn.forgetting_nuisance \
--network_type=WassersteinNetwork \
--input_df="${LJOSA_DATA_DIRECTORY}/ljosa_deep_post_tvn.h5" \
--num_steps_pretrain=100000 \
--num_steps=5000 \
--save_dir="${SAVE_DIR}/ljosa_deep_post_tvn" \
--disc_steps_per_training_step=50 \
--checkpoint_interval=2000 \
--nuisance_levels=batch \
--batch_n=100 \
--target_levels=compound \
--feature_dim=192 \
--layer_width=2 \
--num_layers=2 \

Model Evaluation

Model performance is evaluated by a number of metrics, quantifying how much biological signal is preserved in the embeddings and how much batch effect has been removed after applying the learned transformation.

CellProfiler Embeddings

DF_DIR="${SAVE_DIR}/ljosa_embeddings_post_fa/(('input_df', \
'ljosa_embeddings_post_fa.h5'), ('network_type', 'WassersteinNetwork'), \
('num_steps_pretrain', 100000), ('num_steps', 5000), ('batch_n', 100), \
('learning_rate', 0.0001), ('feature_dim', 50), \
('disc_steps_per_training_step', 50), ('target_levels', \
('compound',)), ('nuisance_levels', ('batch',)), ('layer_width', 2), \
('num_layers', 2), ('lambda_mean', 0.0), ('lambda_cov', 0.0), \
('cov_fix', 0.001))"

python -m correct_batch_effects_wdn.evaluate_metrics \
--transformation_file="${DF_DIR}/data.pkl" \
--input_df="${LJOSA_DATA_DIRECTORY}/ljosa_embeddings_post_fa.h5" \
--output_file="${DF_DIR}/evals.pkl" \

Deep Neural Network Embeddings

DF_DIR="${SAVE_DIR}/ljosa_deep_post_tvn/(('input_df', \
'ljosa_deep_post_tvn.h5'), ('network_type', 'WassersteinNetwork'), \
('num_steps_pretrain', 100000), ('num_steps', 5000), ('batch_n', 100), \
('learning_rate', 0.0001), ('feature_dim', 192), \
('disc_steps_per_training_step', 50), ('target_levels', ('compound',)), \
('nuisance_levels', ('batch',)), ('layer_width', 2), ('num_layers', 2), \
('lambda_mean', 0.0), ('lambda_cov', 0.0), ('cov_fix', 0.001))"

python -m correct_batch_effects_wdn.evaluate_metrics \
--transformation_file="${DF_DIR}/data.pkl" \
--input_df="${LJOSA_DATA_DIRECTORY}/ljosa_deep_post_tvn.h5" \
--output_file="${DF_DIR}/evals.pkl" \

Sample Code for Loading evals.pkl

import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
from tensorflow import gfile

def load_contents(file_path):
  with gfile.GFile(file_path, mode="r") as f:
    contents =
    contents = pickle.loads(contents)
  return contents

evals = load_contents(path)