ROAR is a benchmark to evaluate the approximate accuracy of interpretability methods that estimate input feature importance in deep neural networks.
This directory contains the code needed to implement ROAR, RemOve And Retrain, a benchmark to evaluate the approximate accuracy of feature importance estimators.
- Many interpretability methods for deep neural networks estimate the feature importance of pixels in an image to the model prediction.
- For sensitive domains like healthcare, autonomous vehicles and credit scoring these estimates must be both 1) meaningful to a human and 2), highly accurate, as an incorrect explanation of model behavior may have intolerable costs on human welfare.
- ROAR is concerned with 2). ROAR is a benchmark to measure the approximate accuracy of feature importance estimators. ROAR removes the fraction of input features deemed to be most important according to each estimator and measurea the change to the model accuracy upon retraining. The most accurate estimator will identify inputs as important whose removal causes the most damage to model performance relative to all other estimators.
In our paper, we evaluate the accuracy of model explanations for image classification on ImageNet, Birdsnap and Food101 datasets.
These are publicaly available datasets. To replicate our results, first download the dataset you plan to evaluate the interpretability method performance on and store the dataset as a set tfrecords. This script is one possible example of how to do this conversion from raw images to tfrecords.
generates feature importance estimates for every image in the tfrecords dataset. Feature importance estimates covered: integrated gradients (IG), sensitivity heatmaps (SH), guided backprop (GB), and the smoothgrad, squared, smoothgrad^2 and vargrad versions of IG, SH, GB.
A feature importance estimate is a ranking of the contribution of each input pixel to the model prediction for that image. These are post-training explainability methods, and thus a trained model checkpoint is required to generate the dataset of feature importance estimates.
The script produces a new set of tfrecords (the data input for interpretability_benchmark/
) that stores both the original image, the true label and the feature importance estimate.
trains a resnet_50 on the modified tfrecords dataset produced by saliency_data_gen/
If you are using ROAR code you may cite:
title = {A Benchmark for Interpretability Methods in Deep Neural Networks},
author = {Hooker, Sara and Erhan, Dumitru and Kindermans, Pieter-Jan and Kim, Been},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32},
editor = {H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and A. Beygelzimer and F. d\textquotesingle Alch\'{e}-Buc and E. Fox and R. Garnett},
pages = {9737--9748},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
url = {}
For any questions about this code please file an github issue and tag github handles sarahooker, doomie. We welcome pull requests which add additional interpretability methods to be benchmarked or improvements to the code.