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Built with foundry.

BoredAndDangerous is the core NFT contract with trustless refundable dutch auctions and several merkle tree whitelists.
BoredAndDangerousBatchHelper is a stateless helper contract that enables batching whitelist claims while avoiding msg.value reuse in delegatecalls.

To run the local test suite, install foundry and run

forge test

To run the test suite against a mainnet fork, set appropriate env vars and run

forge test --fork-url=${ALCHEMY_API_KEY} --fork-block-number=${FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER}

To view gas usage, add the --gas-report flag to either of the above commands.

Gas Report

│ BoredApeYachtClub contract ┆                 ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost            ┆ Deployment Size ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ 0                          ┆ 0               ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Function Name              ┆ min             ┆ avg  ┆ median ┆ max  ┆ # calls │
│ ownerOf                    ┆ 7184            ┆ 7184 ┆ 7184   ┆ 7184 ┆ 1       │
│ JenkinsTheValet contract ┆                 ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost          ┆ Deployment Size ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ 0                        ┆ 0               ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Function Name            ┆ min             ┆ avg  ┆ median ┆ max  ┆ # calls │
│ ownerOf                  ┆ 3006            ┆ 3006 ┆ 3006   ┆ 3006 ┆ 1       │
│ lib/murky/src/Merkle.sol:Merkle contract ┆                 ┆       ┆        ┆       ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost                          ┆ Deployment Size ┆       ┆        ┆       ┆         │
│ 458093                                   ┆ 2320            ┆       ┆        ┆       ┆         │
│ Function Name                            ┆ min             ┆ avg   ┆ median ┆ max   ┆ # calls │
│ getProof                                 ┆ 52443           ┆ 52806 ┆ 52817  ┆ 52883 ┆ 201     │
│ getRoot                                  ┆ 49432           ┆ 49725 ┆ 49872  ┆ 49872 ┆ 3       │
│ src/BoredAndDangerous.sol:BoredAndDangerous contract ┆                 ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost                          ┆ Deployment Size ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ 2726917                                  ┆ 13646           ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Function Name                            ┆ min             ┆ avg    ┆ median ┆ max    ┆ # calls │
│ DUTCH_AUCTION_GRACE_PERIOD               ┆ 328             ┆ 328    ┆ 328    ┆ 328    ┆ 1       │
│ WRITELIST_PRICE                          ┆ 284             ┆ 284    ┆ 284    ┆ 284    ┆ 201     │
│ claimDutchAuctionRefund                  ┆ 1397            ┆ 4268   ┆ 4268   ┆ 7140   ┆ 2       │
│ claimFunds                               ┆ 2961            ┆ 6438   ┆ 6438   ┆ 9915   ┆ 2       │
│ dutchAuctionMint                         ┆ 71746           ┆ 71779  ┆ 71746  ┆ 100446 ┆ 2368    │
│ dutchAuctionPrice                        ┆ 1059            ┆ 1059   ┆ 1059   ┆ 1059   ┆ 2368    │
│ dutchEnd                                 ┆ 505             ┆ 505    ┆ 505    ┆ 505    ┆ 1       │
│ ownerMint                                ┆ 71370           ┆ 71370  ┆ 71370  ┆ 71370  ┆ 1       │
│ ownerOf                                  ┆ 645             ┆ 645    ┆ 645    ┆ 645    ┆ 2       │
│ setApeMerkleRoot                         ┆ 24575           ┆ 24575  ┆ 24575  ┆ 24575  ┆ 1       │
│ setDutchAuctionStruct                    ┆ 23761           ┆ 23761  ┆ 23761  ┆ 23761  ┆ 7       │
│ setGiveawayMerkleRoot                    ┆ 24553           ┆ 24553  ┆ 24553  ┆ 24553  ┆ 2       │
│ writelistMintApes                        ┆ 110424          ┆ 110424 ┆ 110424 ┆ 110424 ┆ 1       │
│ writelistMintGiveaway                    ┆ 74322           ┆ 74674  ┆ 74418  ┆ 101094 ┆ 200     │
│ writelistMintWritersRoomFree             ┆ 75589           ┆ 75589  ┆ 75589  ┆ 75589  ┆ 1       │
│ src/BoredAndDangerousBatchHelper.sol:BoredAndDangerousBatchHelper contract ┆                 ┆         ┆         ┆         ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost                                                ┆ Deployment Size ┆         ┆         ┆         ┆         │
│ 279755                                                         ┆ 1573            ┆         ┆         ┆         ┆         │
│ Function Name                                                  ┆ min             ┆ avg     ┆ median  ┆ max     ┆ # calls │
│ batch                                                          ┆ 8239745         ┆ 8239745 ┆ 8239745 ┆ 8239745 ┆ 1       │
│ src/test/BoredAndDangerous.t.sol:BoredAndDangerousTest contract ┆                 ┆     ┆        ┆     ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost                                     ┆ Deployment Size ┆     ┆        ┆     ┆         │
│ 8476656                                             ┆ 42047           ┆     ┆        ┆     ┆         │
│ Function Name                                       ┆ min             ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │
│ fallback                                            ┆ 55              ┆ 55  ┆ 55     ┆ 55  ┆ 1       │