Create a data volume to make your write persistent $> docker run --name=dbdata -v /var/lib/mysql centos true
Note: you should never delete this container otherwise your data will be gone.
Initialize a new DB:
$> docker run --rm=true -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=welcome0 --volumes-from=dbdata centos/centos6-mysql55
Run the DB:
$> docker run -d --volumes-from=dbdata centos/centos6-mysql55
$> mysql -h X.X.X.X -uroot -pwelcome0
- Port exposed: 3306
- Volume: /var/lib/mysql
- Variable: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD (at init time only)
$> docker build --rm=true -t centos/centos6-mysql55 centos6-mysql55
Strongly inspired from