written in Rust
Clear filter
Fork of Foundry tailored for zkSync environment
Circuit Implementation of zkVM for zkSync Era
Consensus layer implementation for zkSync Era
Compare in-circuit and out-of-circuit VMs
Key Value store in a TEE with Remote Attestation for Authentication
ranih55f / foundry-zksync
Forked from matter-labs/foundry-zksyncFork of Foundry tailored for zkSync environment
ranih55f / era-sync_vm
Forked from matter-labs/era-sync_vmCircuit Implementation of zkVM for zkSync Era
ranih55f / teepot
Forked from matter-labs/teepotKey Value store in a TEE with Remote Attestation for Authentication
Compare in-circuit and out-of-circuit VMs
ranih55f / era-consensus
Forked from matter-labs/era-consensusConsensus layer implementation for zkSync Era