./run.sh imagenet_part_linear $JOB_NAME vit_small teacher 8
The robustness test is done with pre-trained models that linear evaluated for 100 epochs. We first combine the pre-trained models and the linear head with the highest accuracy obtained on the linear probing experiment.
Combining Pre-trained Backbone with Linear Head
python analysis/combine_ckpt.py \
--checkpoint_backbone $PRETRAINED \
--checkpoint_linear $LINEAR_HEAD \
--output_file $FULL_LINEAR_MODEL
We evaluate the full models in the following aspects:
Background Change on ImageNet-9
./analysis/eval_bg_challenge.sh \
--checkpoint $FULL_LINEAR_MODEL \
--data-path data/imnet_bg
Natural Adversarial Examples on ImageNet-A
./analysis/eval_natural_adv_examp.sh \
--checkpoint FULL_LINEAR_MODEL \
--data data/imnet_a
Image Corruptions and Surf Variances on ImageNet-C
./analysis/eval_corr_surf_vari.sh \
--checkpoint FULL_LINEAR_MODEL \
--data data/imnet_c
Occlusion & Shuffle
./analysis/eval_{occlusion,shuffle}.sh \
--pretrained_weights $FULL_LINEAR_MODEL
You can look at the self-attention of the [CLS] token on the different heads of the last layer by running:
./analysis/visualize_attn_map.sh \
--pretrained_weights $PRETRAINED \
--output_dir $OUTPUT \
--data_path data/imagenet/val \
--show_pics 300
You can extract the correspondence pairs from two randomly augmented views of one image by running:
./analysis/visualize_corresp.sh \
--pretrained_weights $PRETRAINED \
--arch vit_small \
--patch_size 16 \
--data_path data/imagenet/val \
--sample_type instance \
To extract the correspondence drawn from two images belonging to the same category, run the following command:
./analysis/visualize_corresp.sh \
--pretrained_weights $PRETRAINED \
--arch vit_small \
--patch_size 16 \
--data_path data/imagenet/val \
--sample_type class \