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How to use Active Record in ILIAS

Active Records


The ActiveRecord-Implementation in ILIAS should help developers to get rid of multiple developments of CRUD functionality in their model classes. A lot of redundant code is to be found in ILIAS due to the implementations of read- and write processes to the persistent layer. ILIAS-ActiveRecord provides a lot of useful helpers such as a QueryBuilder, dynamic CRUD, ObjectCaching und data source maintenance.

Differences against other implementations

ActiveRecord are well known in other frameworks and languages such as Ruby, .NET, CakePHP … Most ActiveRecords directly represent the persistent layer, mostly database-tables. Changes in the database are automatically represented by the model. Modifications on the class-members are only possible by modifying the database-field. This is the the only big difference between ILIAS-ActiveRecord and other ActiveRecord-Implementations. ILIAS-ActiveRecord describes the whole class-member in PHP-Code with the information for the persistent layer (such as data-type, length, …). Advantages of this implementation:

  • The class-member is represented in your PHP-class and not just dynamically loaded, you ‘see’ your members and let IDEs like PHPStorm automatically implement your setters and getters.
  • You ‘see’ directly the field-attributes of your member in the persistent layer. Information about your members can be accessed by field-classes.

Implement your ActiveRecord-Class

Structure of your model

An ActiveRecord-Class normally extends from the abstract ActiveRecord. Let us use the following example: “We need a Message-Model. A Message has a title, a body, a sender and a receiver. Additionally the Message can be of the priority ‘low’, ‘normal’ or ‘high’ and can have a status like ‘new’ and ‘read’.” Our Model could look like this:

require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../Connector/class.arConnectorSession.php');
 * Class arMessage
 * @author  Fabian Schmid <[email protected]>
 * @version 1.0.0
class arMessage extends ActiveRecord {
        const TYPE_NEW = 1;
        const TYPE_READ = 2;
        const PRIO_LOW = 1;
        const PRIO_NORMAL = 5;
        const PRIO_HIGH = 9;
        const TABLE_NAME = 'ar_message';
         * @return string
        static function returnDbTableName() {
                return self::TABLE_NAME;
         * @var int
         * @con_is_primary true
         * @con_sequence true
         * @con_has_field  true
         * @con_fieldtype  integer
         * @con_length     8
        protected $id;
         * @var string
         * @con_has_field true
         * @con_fieldtype text
         * @con_length    256
        protected $title = '';
         * @var string
         * @con_has_field true
         * @con_fieldtype clob
         * @con_length    4000
        protected $body = '';
         * @var int
         * @con_has_field  true
         * @con_fieldtype  integer
         * @con_length     1
        protected $sender_id = 0;
         * @var int
         * @con_has_field  true
         * @con_fieldtype  integer
         * @con_is_notnull true
         * @con_length     1
        protected $receiver_id = 0;
         * @var int
         * @con_has_field  true
         * @con_fieldtype  integer
         * @con_length     1
         * @con_is_notnull true
        protected $priority = self::PRIO_NORMAL;
         * @var int
         * @con_has_field  true
         * @con_fieldtype  integer
         * @con_length     1
         * @con_is_notnull true
        protected $type = self::TYPE_NEW;
         * @param mixed $body
        public function setBody($body) {
                $this->body = $body;
         * @return mixed
        public function getBody() {
                return $this->body;
         * @param int $priority
        public function setPriority($priority) {
                $this->priority = $priority;
         * @return int
        public function getPriority() {
                return $this->priority;
         * @param int $receiver_id
        public function setReceiverId($receiver_id) {
                $this->receiver_id = $receiver_id;
         * @return int
        public function getReceiverId() {
                return $this->receiver_id;
         * @param int $sender_id
        public function setSenderId($sender_id) {
                $this->sender_id = $sender_id;
         * @return int
        public function getSenderId() {
                return $this->sender_id;
         * @param string $title
        public function setTitle($title) {
                $this->title = $title;
         * @return string
        public function getTitle() {
                return $this->title;
         * @param int $type
        public function setType($type) {
                $this->type = $type;
         * @return int
        public function getType() {
                return $this->type;

The class implements the public static Method ‘returnDbTableName’, which returns the identifier of the container in the persistent layer. The rest of the Class are Members, Setters and Getters. This Class is fully functional, no other methods have to be implemented to have full CRUD, Caching, Collections, Factory, … All Class-Members, which should be represented in the persistent layer, are additionally documented with PHPDoc.

Using CRUD

After implementing your modelclass you can use the ActiveRecord CRUD commands to build and modify objects of the class:

$arMessage = new arMessage();
$arMessage->setTitle('Hello World');
$arMessage->setBody('Development using ActiveRecord saves a lot of time');
// OR
$arMessage = new arMessage(3);
echo $arMessage->getBody();
// OR
$arMessage = new arMessage(6);
// OR
$arMessage = arMessage::find(58); // find() Uses the ObjectCache

Fields and FieldList

An ActiveRecord-Class-Member is described with the following attributes in PHPDoc. This information is used to provide a proper persistent layer access.

Attribute-Name Description Possible Values
con_hasfield Defines whether the field is represented in the persistent layer or not (false doesn’t has to be written) true/false
con_is_primary Member is primary key. Only one primary for one class possible. true/false
con_sequence The (primary-)field has an auto-increment. This is needed in most of the cases true/false
con_is_notnull Is member not_null (as in MySQL) true/false
con_fieldtype All ilDB-Field-Types are currently supported text, integer, float, date, time, timestamp, clob
con_length Length of the field in the persistent layer determines from the fieldtype. See 'Databse Access and Database Schema' for further information.

All this information is parsed from the PHPDoc once per ActiveRecord-Class and request and are cached for all other instances of this type. So there should not be a remarkable performance-drop. This is an Example for a primary key $id:

 * @var int
 * @con_is_primary true
 * @con_has_field  true
 * @con_sequence  true
 * @con_fieldtype  integer
 * @con_length     8
protected $id;

All the meta information can be access in the ActiveRecord:

public function dummy() {
        echo $this->arFieldList->getPrimaryField();
        echo $this->arFieldList->getFieldByName('title')->getFieldType();
        echo $this->getPrimaryFieldValue();



The ActiveRecordList-Class represents the Collection, Repository, ... The List is accessible through the ActiveRecord or in an own instance:

 * @return arMessage[]
 * @description a way to get all objects is to call get() directly on your class
public static function getAllObjects() {
        $array_of_arMessages = arMessage::get();
        // OR
        $arMessageList = new arMessageList();
        $array_of_arMessages = $arMessageList->get();
        return $array_of_arMessages;

Both examples return an Array of arMessage-Objects. But The List provide more functionality, such as a QueryBuilder:

public function getSome() {
        $array_of_arMessages = arMessage::where(array('type' => arMessage::TYPE_READ))->orderBy('title')->get();
        // OR
        $arMessageList = new arMessageList();
        $arMessageList->where(array('type'=> arMessage::TYPE_READ));
        $array_of_arMessages = $arMessageList->get();

Build a query


Method-Call Query
arMessage::where(array('type' => arMessage::TYPE_READ)); SELECT * FROM ar_message WHERE ar_message.type = 1
arMessage::where(array('type'=>arMessage::TYPE_NEW), '!='); SELECT * FROM ar_message WHERE ar_message.type != 1
arMessage::where(array( 'type' => arMessage::TYPE_NEW, 'title' => '%test%' ), '='); SELECT * FROM ar_message WHERE ar_message.type = 1 AND ar_message.title = '%test%'
arMessage::where(array( 'type' => arMessage::TYPE_NEW, 'title' => '%test%' ), array( 'type' => '=', 'title' => 'LIKE' )); SELECT * FROM ar_message WHERE ar_message.type = 1 AND ar_message.title LIKE '%test%'
arMessage::where(array( 'type' => arMessage::TYPE_NEW ))->where(array( 'title' => '%test%' ), 'LIKE') SELECT * FROM ar_message WHERE ar_message.type = 1 AND ar_message.title LIKE '%test%'

Oder By

Method-Call Query
arMessage::orderBy('title'); SELECT * FROM ar_message ORDER BY title ASC
arMessage::orderBy('title', 'DESC'); SELECT * FROM ar_message ORDER BY title DESC
arMessage::orderBy('title', 'DESC')->orderBy('type'); SELECT * FROM ar_message ORDER BY title DESC, type ASC'


Method-Call Query
arMessage::limit(0, 100); SELECT * FROM ar_message LIMIT 0, 100


Method-Call Query
arMessage::innerjoin('usr_data', 'receiver_id', 'usr_id'); SELECT ar_message.*, usr_data.* FROM ar_message INNER JOIN usr_data ON ar_message.receiver_id = usr_data.usr_id
arMessage::leftjoin('usr_data', 'receiver_id', 'usr_id', array('email')); SELECT ar_message.*, FROM ar_message LEFT JOIN usr_data ON ar_message.receiver_id = usr_data.usr_id

Combining statements

Method-Call Query
arMessage::innerjoin('usr_data', 'receiver_id', 'usr_id'); SELECT ar_message.*, usr_data.* FROM ar_message INNER JOIN usr_data ON ar_message.receiver_id = usr_data.usr_id
arMessage::leftjoin('usr_data', 'receiver_id', 'usr_id', array('email')); SELECT ar_message.*, FROM ar_message LEFT JOIN usr_data ON ar_message.receiver_id = usr_data.usr_id

Get information

get(); arMessage::orderBy('title')->get(); will return an array of arMessage-Object.

getArray(); arMessage::orderBy('title')->getArray(); will return a 2D record-value array. getArray() can be filtered or the index oft he array can be set: arMessage::getArray(NULL, array('title')); will return an array with only the titles of the records.

getCollection(); If you build a query using the statements explaines above, you can store this Collection for further use. arMessage::getCollection(); return the ActiveRecordList-Object with all statements saves.

first(); Returns the first object from your query.

last(); Returns the last object from your query.

Use ActiveRecord for Sorting and Filters in Tables

When using an Activerecord for presentation in ilTableGUI, this is an Example to use external sorting and external segmentation, which will increase performance on larger tables:

protected function parseData() {
        $arMessageList = arMessage::orderBy($this->getOrderField(), $this->getOrderDirection());
        foreach ($this->filter as $field => $value) {
                if ($value) {
                        $arMessageList->where(array( $field => $value ));
        $arMessageList->limit($this->getOffset(), $this->getLimit());
        $arMessageList->orderBy('title'); // Secord order field
        $arMessageList->dateFormat('d.m.Y - H:i:s'); // All date-fields come in three ways: formatted, unix, unformatted (as in db)


ILIAS ActiveRecord uses the ilDB connection as default persistent layer. A connector is responsible for all connections to the persistent layer. It’s possible to write your own Connector, an example is delivered with the ActiveRecord. It uses the User-Session to store the objects. This connector is not fully functional (there is no Querybuilder). Use the abstract arConnector Class to implement your own connector.

Maintenance of data source

ActiveRecord allows to maintain your persistent layer like the ILIAS Database for your class. There is no need to install the database on your own, ActiveRecord can install und update the table: Please do not use installDB; and updateDB; for core-development. Using them will be reported as a bug.

Generate DB-Update-Step to install your Class

Use the already known DB-Update-Steps to generate your AR-Databases. There is a Helper-Script to auto-generate a Installation-Updatestep. Implement these two lines with your ActiveRecord somewhere in ILIAS-Code and run the site. It generates and Downloads a tet-file with the installation-Step:

$arBuilder = new arBuilder(new arMessage());

You can use these methods to delete or truncate your table even in dbupdate-Scripts:

arMessage::resetDB(); // Truncates the Database
$ilDB->dropTable(arMessage::TABLE_NAME, false); // Deletes the Database

It's not yet possible to generate e database-modification step with this feature. Please write those as usual and don't forget to represent your changes in your AR-based Class.

Generate Class-File from existing MySQL-Table (Beta)

It’s possible to generate a PHP-Classfile for an existing MySQL-Datatable, e.g. with the Table usr_data:

$arConverter = new arConverter('usr_data', 'arUser');


Every ActiveRecord is being cached, developers don’t have to mind this task. The cache is updated on every object modification and is deleted after deleting the object. The object cache storage can be accessed if necessary:

// e.g.
$arMessageFour = new arMessage(4);
if (! arObjectCache::isCached('arMessage', 4)) {
        arObjectCache::store(new arMessage(4));
        return arObjectCache::get('arMessage', 4);