This component provides features for handling ILIAS objects like repository objects or other objects being derived from ilObject
The object component "Services/Object" provides the following entities, which should be added as tail dependency, if the corresponding features are used. All of them need the general object IDs to be passed.
- "transl": Multilanguage titles/descriptions
- "service_settings": Additional feature settings. (full documentation will follow)
- "icon": Custom Icons
- "tile": Tile Images
- "common": All of the entities above. Usually save to use this one, even if not all features are used. This entity should be enhanced automatically in the future, if more common properties/settings for objects will be introduced.
The object service can be obtained using the DIC
$obj_service = $DIC->object();
For convenience the base class ilObjectGUI provides a method to obtain the object service.
// in classes that derive from ilObjectGUI you may use:
$obj_service = $this->getObjectService();
The object service provides methods to include common settings into your settings forms and save them.
In ILIAS 5.4 all settings forms are still legacy forms. The following examples show how to modify these forms and save the returned values. In upcoming versions a similar procedure for UI framework forms should be provided.
Custom Icons
Custom icons used in almost all views that represent repository objects, e.g. lists or explorer trees.
Adding the setting to a form (SHOULD be placed in Presentation section):
$obj_service->commonSettings()->legacyForm($form, $this->object)->addIcon();
Saving the setting:
$obj_service->commonSettings()->legacyForm($form, $this->object)->saveIcon();
Tile images
Tile images are used in tile views of containers (starting with ILIAS 5.4).
Adding the setting to a form (SHOULD be placed in Presentation section):
$obj_service->commonSettings()->legacyForm($form, $this->object)->addTileImage();
Saving the setting:
$obj_service->commonSettings()->legacyForm($form, $this->object)->saveTileImage();
Get ilObjectTileImage
instance for an object id:
$tile_image = $DIC->object()->commonSettings()->tileImage()->getByObjId($obj_id);
Copying / Import / Export
If objects are copied in the repository, the common settings including e.g. tile images and custom icons will be copied automatically.
For including these in your export you need to ensure to include the common entity of the object service as a tail dependency in your exporter:
public function getXmlExportTailDependencies($a_entity, $a_target_release, $a_ids)
if ($a_entity == "your_main_entity_type") {
$res = [];
$res[] = array(
"component" => "Services/Object",
"entity" => "common",
"ids" => $a_ids);
return $res;
8 Oct 2018
- General introduction of the service, including Common Settings subservice
- ILIAS-eLearning#1211