Esse documento descreve os passos necessários para instalar o Vault e o External Secret no Openshift.
oc new-project vault
helm repo add openshift-helm-charts
helm repo update
cd vault
helm install vault openshift-helm-charts/hashicorp-vault \
-f ./vault-values.yaml -n vault
watch -n2 oc get pods -n vault
vault-0 0/1 Running 0 2m38s
vault-1 0/1 Running 0 2m38s
vault-2 0/1 Running 0 2m38s
vault-agent-injector-76577ddc8f-2xgwx 1/1 Running 0 2m38s
Após os pods estarem em running, vamos iniciar o Vault.
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator init
Unseal Key 1: uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB
Unseal Key 2: he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI
Unseal Key 3: 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m
Unseal Key 4: QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli
Unseal Key 5: Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w
Initial Root Token: hvs.g1F5J6uqubiPJk2rsIdzx3Ko # Root Token to be used in the login step
Vault initialized with 5 key shares and a key threshold of 3. Please securely
distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed,
restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 3 of these keys to unseal it
before it can start servicing requests.
Vault does not store the generated root key. Without at least 3 keys to
reconstruct the root key, Vault will remain permanently sealed!
It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of
existing unseal keys shares. See "vault operator rekey" for more information.
É importante salvar o Initial Root Token
e as Unseal Keys
geradas, pois elas serão utilizadas para fazer o login no Vault e para realizar o unseal do Vault.
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB # Unseal Key 1
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 1/3
Unseal Nonce 1f146ff2-1496-a03a-820b-8295cf3a430d
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI # Unseal Key 2
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 2/3
Unseal Nonce 1f146ff2-1496-a03a-820b-8295cf3a430d
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m # Unseal Key 3
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode active
Active Since 2023-07-26T18:06:45.098309611Z
Raft Committed Index 36
Raft Applied Index 36
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli # Unseal Key 4
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode active
Active Since 2023-07-26T18:06:45.098309611Z
Raft Committed Index 38
Raft Applied Index 38
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w # Unseal Key 5
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode active
Active Since 2023-07-26T18:06:45.098309611Z
Raft Committed Index 38
Raft Applied Index 38
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator raft join \
Key Value
--- -----
Joined true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB # Unseal Key 1
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 1/3
Unseal Nonce 6cb35f4c-e9c8-fce6-1937-1f52d61c5a0b
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI # Unseal Key 2
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 2/3
Unseal Nonce 6cb35f4c-e9c8-fce6-1937-1f52d61c5a0b
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m # Unseal Key 3
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 0/3
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli # Unseal Key 4
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode standby
Active Node Address
Raft Committed Index 40
Raft Applied Index 40
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w # Unseal Key 5
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode standby
Active Node Address
Raft Committed Index 40
Raft Applied Index 40
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator raft join \
Key Value
--- -----
Joined true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB # Unseal Key 1
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 1/3
Unseal Nonce 8ac0e129-71c5-9856-8265-9b87b417cc91
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI # Unseal Key 2
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 2/3
Unseal Nonce 8ac0e129-71c5-9856-8265-9b87b417cc91
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m # Unseal Key 3
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 0/3
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
HA Enabled true
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli # Unseal Key 4
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode standby
Active Node Address
Raft Committed Index 42
Raft Applied Index 42
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w # Unseal Key 5
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode active
Active Since 2023-07-26T18:06:45.098309611Z
Raft Committed Index 42
Raft Applied Index 42
oc get pods -n vault
vault-0 1/1 Running 0 164m
vault-1 1/1 Running 0 164m
vault-2 1/1 Running 0 164m
vault-agent-injector-76577ddc8f-2xgwx 1/1 Running 0 164m
oc get route -n vault
Use o Initial Root Token
gerado no comando vault operator init
para fazer o login no Vault.
oc new-project external-secrets
helm repo add external-secrets
helm repo update
helm install external-secrets \
external-secrets/external-secrets -n external-secrets
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:external-secrets:external-secrets # oc adm policy add-scc-to-user <scc_name> <user_name>
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:external-secrets:external-secrets-cert-controller # oc adm policy add-scc-to-user <scc_name> <user_name>
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:external-secrets:external-secrets-webhook # oc adm policy add-scc-to-user <scc_name> <user_name>
Vamos validar que os pods foram criados
oc get all -n external-secrets
pod/external-secrets-6fd48dd75b-gsjbq 1/1 Running 0 3m7s
pod/external-secrets-cert-controller-86c6b8b74f-xknrz 1/1 Running 0 3m7s
pod/external-secrets-webhook-5475f78dd6-ksd8q 1/1 Running 0 3m7s
service/external-secrets-webhook ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 3h34m
deployment.apps/external-secrets 1/1 1 1 3h34m
deployment.apps/external-secrets-cert-controller 1/1 1 1 3h34m
deployment.apps/external-secrets-webhook 1/1 1 1 3h34m
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-69ccdc65c9 0 0 0 3h34m
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-6fd48dd75b 1 1 1 16m
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-cert-controller-86c6b8b74f 1 1 1 3h34m
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-webhook-5475f78dd6 1 1 1 3h34m
Podemos criar utilizando o arquivo secret.yaml
oc create -f secret.yaml -n vault
ou executando o comando abaixo:
cat <<EOF | oc create -n vault -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: vault-token
namespace: vault
token: hvs.g1F5J6uqubiPJk2rsIdzx3Ko
unseal_key_1: uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB
unseal_key_2: he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI
unseal_key_3: 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m
unseal_key_4: QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli
unseal_key_5: Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w
Podemos criar utilizando o arquivo clustersecretstore.yaml
oc create -f clustersecretstore.yaml -n external-secrets
ou executando o comando abaixo:
cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
kind: ClusterSecretStore
name: vault-backend
server: "http://vault-active.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200"
version: "v2"
name: "vault-token"
key: "token"
namespace: vault
oc get clustersecretstore
vault-backend 38m Valid ReadWrite True
Caso o campo
não esteja comoTrue
pode ser o caso do cluster ter reiniciado e os pods do Voult estarem unsealed (veja a session de Dicas para saber como realizar o unseal de um vault já configurado).
Agora vamos criar uma secret no Vault para ser consumida pelo External Secret. Primeiro vamos criar um projeto de exemplo:
oc new-project projeto-poc
Agora vamos criar a secret:
cat <<EOF | oc apply -n projeto-poc -n projeto-poc -f -
kind: ExternalSecret
name: vault-secret
name: vault-backend # nome do ClusterSecretStore criado anteriormente
kind: ClusterSecretStore # ClusterSecretStore ou SecretStore (nesse caso estamos usando clustersecretstore)
refreshInterval: "1h" # intervalo de tempo para sincronizar a secret do vault com a secret do openshift ( valores válidos: 1h, 1m, 1s, 1ms, 1us, 1ns)
name: vault-secret-example # nome da secret que será criada no openshift
- secretKey: password # nome da propriedade que será criada na secret do openshift
key: projeto-poc/exemplo # path da secret kv no vault
property: password # nome da propriedade que será criada na secret do openshift
Ou podemos criar utilizando o arquivo externalsecret.yaml
oc create -f externalsecret.yaml -n projeto-poc
oc get externalsecret -n projeto-poc
vault-secret vault-backend 1h SecretSynced True
oc get secret -n projeto-poc
builder-dockercfg-2v8fl 1 4m51s
builder-token-l9lvl 4 4m51s
default-dockercfg-dmc8l 1 4m51s
default-token-9mfr5 4 4m51s
deployer-dockercfg-7mbsr 1 4m51s
deployer-token-pnbst 4 4m51s
vault-secret-example Opaque 1 15s # Secret criada pelo External Secret
Caso a ExternalSecret
seja deletada, a Secret
correspondente também será apagada. (Os valores no Vault não serão apagados)
Caso a Secret
seja deletada, a ExternalSecret
não será apagada e a Secret
será recriada automáticamente.
Para configurar o Vault Client, execute os comandos abaixo:
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/vault
export VAULT_ADDR=https://$(oc get route vault -n vault --output jsonpath={})
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(oc get secret vault-token -n vault -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d )
vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.11.3
Build Date 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Storage Type raft
Cluster Name vault-cluster-831f4641
Cluster ID 4179d5ae-63d6-d8bf-8a65-deea3a10c8c8
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-0.vault-internal:8201
HA Mode active
Active Since 2023-07-26T18:06:45.098309611Z
Raft Committed Index 42
Raft Applied Index 42
Podemos obter informações sobre a secret:
vault kv get projeto-poc/exemplo
====== Secret Path ======
======= Metadata =======
Key Value
--- -----
created_time 2023-07-27T05:03:57.172611551Z
custom_metadata <nil>
deletion_time n/a
destroyed false
version 1
====== Data ======
Key Value
--- -----
password abc123
Caso seja necessário podemos obter o valor da propriedade password
configurada no path projeto-poc/exemplo
vault kv get -field=password projeto-poc/exemplo
Quando o cluster stopar, o Vault vai ficar em sealed
. Para realizar o desseal
, execute os comandos abaixo:
Quando o cluster estiver sealed, os pods do vault vão ficar em 0/1 e a console web vai ficar indisponível.
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB # Unseal Key 1
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI # Unseal Key 2
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m # Unseal Key 3
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli # Unseal Key 4
oc exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator unseal Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w # Unseal Key 5
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB # Unseal Key 1
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI # Unseal Key 2
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m # Unseal Key 3
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli # Unseal Key 4
oc exec -it -n vault vault-1 -- vault operator unseal Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w # Unseal Key 5
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB # Unseal Key 1
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI # Unseal Key 2
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal 0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m # Unseal Key 3
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli # Unseal Key 4
oc exec -it -n vault vault-2 -- vault operator unseal Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w # Unseal Key 5
for i in {0..2}; do
for s in {"uMuIO5YLlwM3k8lrl8CM9FrcKsjcaXUUjpTpEwC+6bYB","he3iSG2TMWm5sTAKRoACW92UB0srnOrOtLKicdjIuscI","0FjjZk/emY5TuVsxZzFro1BN4MS2wgHNSPMgvzbVsg1m","QLF26s/P59GyyJR5kGfBMKgtlmm12DEVVeq2I0vK7jli","Zchy6BAGMFTH1hILJtgnxoQXiSsx3dt4+IQ0BqtJEP1w"}; do
oc exec -it -n vault vault-$i -- vault operator unseal $s;
Podemos utilizar o Helm chart refresh-connection-es-to-vault para automatizar o processo de unseal.