diff --git a/h2/src/docsrc/html/changelog.html b/h2/src/docsrc/html/changelog.html
index 587d556cfd..b8ff964d37 100644
--- a/h2/src/docsrc/html/changelog.html
+++ b/h2/src/docsrc/html/changelog.html
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
Change Log
Next Version (unreleased)
+Version 1.4.186 Beta (2015-03-02)
- The Servlet API 3.0.1 is now used, instead of 2.4.
- MVStore: old chunks no longer removed in append-only mode.
- MVStore: the cache for page references could grow far too big, resulting in out of memory in some cases.
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@
Next Version (unreleased)
that have both joins and wildcards, for example:
select * from dual join(select x from dual) on 1=1
- Issue 598: parser fails on timestamp "24:00:00.1234" - prevent the creation of out-of-range time values.
- Allow declaring triggers as source code (like functions). Patch by Sylvain CUAZ.
- Allow declaring triggers as source code (like functions). Patch by Sylvain Cuaz.
- Make the planner use indexes for sorting when doing a GROUP BY where
all of the GROUP BY columns are not mentioned in the select. Patch by Frederico (zepfred).
- PostgreSQL compatibility: generate_series (as an alias for system_range). Patch by litailang.
@@ -373,52 +377,5 @@
Version 1.3.176 (2014-04-05)
- Fix bug in varargs support in ALIAS's, patch from Nicolas Fortin
-Version 1.3.175 (2014-01-18)
-- EXPLAIN was incorrect for queries with "ANY" or "SOME" conditions.
- CallableStatement with "out" parameters: running the same statement twice
- could result in an exception ("parameter not set").
- Union queries: duplicate rows could be returned if the sub-queries contained "order by".
- The GEOMETRY data type now works for user defined functions that return a result set.
- PostgreSQL compatibility: the PgServer was not working properly when the setting
- database_to_upper was set to false.
- JdbcDataSource: the methods setUrl and getUrl where added as aliases for setURL and getURL.
- This should solve problems with the HikariCP (Hikari connection pool).
- Issue 537: H2 Console: when loading the schema, incorrect JDBC calls where issued, which caused
- the exception "Column PRECISION not found".
- Improved Geometry processing (issue 535).
- The collation can now be set in the database URL, even if there are data tables,
- if the collection is the same as the current collation.
- Improved Oracle compatibility for CASE WHEN and DECODE.
- The statement "drop all objects" did not work if a table depends on a view via a constraint.
- Subqueries or views with "order by" an alias expression could not be executed
- due to a regression introduced in version 1.3.174.
- Issue 73: MySQL compatibility: support REPLACE, patch by Cemo Koc.
- The spatial index now works in MVCC mode when using the MVStore storage.
- MVStore: concurrency problems have been fixed.
- The API has been simplified.
- Improve error message when dropping an index that belongs to a constraint,
- specify constraint in error message.
- Issue 518: java.sql.Connection.commit() freezes after LOB modification with EXCLUSIVE connection
- Issue 517: Create or replace view statement has no effect on the others already existing JDBC connection
- Support 123L syntax as in Java; example: SELECT (2000000000L*2).
- Issue 520: Add support for sequence max value, min value and cycle, patch by Daniel Gredler.
- Issue 521: ScriptReader should implement Closeable
- Issue 524: RunScript.execute does not close its Statement, patch from Gaul.
- Add support for DB2 "WITH UR" clause, patch from litailang
- Added support for ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE like MySQL with the values() function to update with the value that
- was to be inserted. Patch from Jean-Francois Noel.
- Issue 522: Treat empty strings like NULL in Oracle compatibility mode, patch by Daniel Gredler.
- Issue 527: Oracle compatibility mode: incorrect scale behavior, patch by Daniel Gredler.
- Slightly reduce the memory cost of View metadata.
- Extend support of "GRANT ALTER ANY SCHEMA TO <user>" to allow grantee ability to manipulate tables
- Issue 532: Javadoc for ErrorCode.ROLES_AND_RIGHT_CANNOT_BE_MIXED looks wrong
- Issue 528: Add Oracle-compatible TO_CHAR function, patch by Daniel Gredler.
- Issue 534: CREATE ALIAS NOCACHE, Patch by Nicolas Fortin
- Fix an issue with storing Unicode surrogate pairs in CLOB columns.
- H2 console: add SHIFT+ENTER "run selected" functionality
- Fix bug in DB2 syntax "select * from test with ur", patch from litailang
- Fix bug in DROP ALL OBJECTS when dealing with inter-schema dependencies.