A Different Audio Spectrum Analyzer
sudo pacman -S python-numpy python-pillow python-pyaudio python-websockets qt5-websockets qt5-3d
sudo apt-get install qml-module-qt3d qml-module-qt-websockets \
python3-numpy python3-pyaudio python3-websockets python3-pil
- Open the "Add Widgets" dialog of your desktop
- Go to "Get New Widgets" in the bottom
- Click "Download New Plasma Widgets"
- Search for "panon"
- Click "Install"
git clone https://github.com/rbn42/panon.git
cd panon/kde
kpackagetool5 -t Plasma/Applet --install plasmoid
If you want to modify shaders, PKGBUILD is not a preferred solution right now
Drag panon widget to your panel (eg. latte-dock).
Shaders are stored in kde/plasmoid/contents/shaders/. If you want to modify the shaders, you can start with solid.frag.
Providing panon is installed in your home directory, you can add your own shader files to ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/panon/contents/shaders/
. Panon can detect and load new shaders in this folder during runtime. The name of a shader file must be ended with ".frag".
Neither KDE Panel nor Latte-Dock shows the errors caused by the shaders. To catch the error messages, plasma-sdk
is required. To debug your shader, you must put your shader file in kde/plasmoid/contents/shaders/, and then start plasmoidviewer in a console.
cd ./kde/
#Providing `plasma-sdk` is installed
plasmoidviewer --applet ./plasmoid/
In plasmoidviewer, go to the configuration window and pick your own shader. Then plasmoidviewer will run your shader and show the errors, if exist, in the console.
Some code parts are adapted from PyVisualizer.