A minimalistic irc client written in C.
Connections are TLS enabled over port 6697 by default.
Configure rirc by editing config.h
. Defaults are in config.def.h
rirc requires the latest version of GNU gperf to compile.
See: https://www.gnu.org/software/gperf/
Build rirc:
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
Default install path:
BIN_DIR = /usr/local/bin
MAN_DIR = /usr/local/share/man/man1
Edit Makefile
to alter install path if needed, then:
make install
rirc [-hv] [-s server [...]]
-h, --help Print help message and exit
-v, --version Print rirc version and exit
Server options:
-s, --server=SERVER Connect to SERVER
-p, --port=PORT Connect to SERVER using PORT
-w, --pass=PASS Connect to SERVER using PASS
-u, --username=USERNAME Connect to SERVER using USERNAME
-r, --realname=REALNAME Connect to SERVER using REALNAME
-n, --nicks=NICKS Comma separated list of nicks to use for SERVER
-c, --chans=CHANNELS Comma separated list of channels to join for SERVER
Server connection options:
--ipv4 Connect to server using only ipv4 addresses
--ipv6 Connect to server using only ipv6 addresses
--tls-disable Set server TLS disabled
--tls-verify=<mode> Set server TLS peer certificate verification mode
:connect [host [port] [pass] [user] [real]]
^N : go to next channel
^P : go to previous channel
^L : clear channel
^X : close channel
^F : find channel
^C : cancel input/action
^U : scroll buffer up
^D : scroll buffer down
← : input cursor back
→ : input cursor forward
↑ : input history back
↓ : input history forward